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For a long time, this was considered in Soy protein contained in sports nutrition rather as an alternative, but not as a really important basis for the Muscle building and high endurance. While amino acid is a well-known name from weight training and endurance training, soy has been pushed more into the niche of vegetarian and vegan diets, without knowing the complete effect of the soy plant and information about its impact in competitive sports.
Advantages of soy in muscle building
Proteins are a basis in muscle building, without which no muscle dimensions can be formed. Therefore, on protein-rich Meat and eggs to ensure the necessary supply of the body with sufficient protein. However, there is no reason to consume only animal proteins and do without vegetable proteins. Compared to eggs and animal products, soy contains no fat, so that the Sportsman takes only good protein, but not the unnecessary fat. With a high component of Glutamine, the muscle build-up is even accelerated by soy products and can take a completely different, very constant and yet rapid course, animal protein is replaced by high-quality and easily digestible soy protein. In order to prevent deficiency symptoms, in addition to the protein also another range of health food should be taken and the body is thus sufficiently supplied with energy, as well as the important nutrients.
Correct use of supplementary nutrition for athletes
Since comparatively a large amount of glutamine is contained in soy products, the dosage must not be too high, but generated thoughtfully and according to the manufacturer's instructions. An overdose does not lead to faster muscle growth or more endurance, but passes the athlete without a trace and brings no effect at all. The wide range of special supplementary nutrition in sports is so versatile that a precise combination and considered intake should not be made without professional advice. A one-sided diet always proves to be a mistake. This is true not only for natural foods, but also, or especially, for supplementary products in sports nutrition. In case of a deficient or too one-sided nutrition, problems and hormonal disturbances can occur, especially with a high energy consumption in competitive sports.
Important for a constant muscle building are:
- the balanced and regular diet
- harmonious composition of additional preparations
- Training and nutrition plan
- No excessive demand on performance
- Low fat but high energy products
Soy gets an important place in sports nutrition and convinces with a high proportion of glutamine, which shows an anabolic effect. This is shown by empirical values, which are still without scientific study.