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With us you receive a multiplicity at products from coloured nettle
You would like to have a well-trained and beautiful looking body? For this you have already developed a comprehensive training program. Now you plan to adapt the diet to these areas? Then you should definitely not forget our dietary supplements, because they not only ensure that you get a healthy organism, but our dietary supplements can help you to provide the most important areas of the human organism with Amino acids, Vitamins and other components to be sufficiently covered.

Variegated Nettle
Those who do sports need important ingredients
The body needs a whole lot of different components, most of which are ingested from food. But as soon as the body gets into action, for example, during sports, these components, i.e. Vitamins and Mineralsare quickly depleted. In order not to get into a deficiency state, it makes sense to supply important components to the body again. This includes different Amino acids and vitamins.
The dietary supplement can be used for such a targeted supply. The use is recommended to every athlete, because one supplies his body with specific amino acids, Proteins and other substances.
Our dietary supplements can consist of very different compositions, for example, we have also recognized a good composition with the coloured nettle, even if this is unfortunately still relatively unknown in Germany, and processed this in some products.
The coloured nettle - what is it?
The Variegated Nettle is also called Coleus Forskohlii and belongs to the group of terpenes. The coloured nettle has a very fascinating active substance and is very widespread in nature and also in naturopathy. It is especially valued for its alleged antibacterial and immune-activating effects. But there are numerous other effects, which are said to this plant.
The properties of coloured nettle for the athlete
The coloring nettle has a number of properties that are especially useful for the athlete and the Muscle building can be quite interesting. Among other things, the coloring nettle is said to be able to strengthen the heart function. Scientists are said to have found out that the coloring nettle promotes the contraction of the heart muscle. Due to the improved blood circulation, the strength athlete can assume a better supply of the metabolism, as well as ensure a better conversion of the muscles.
But also in the area of the digestive system, the coloured nettle can do a lot. For example, it stimulates the formation of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid). For an athlete who strives to build muscle and consumes a lot of protein, this effect is very interesting. Because the hydrochloric acid, which is produced in the process, also stimulates digestion. The coloured nettle can therefore have a good influence on the diet and its implementation in very many areas. Especially when it comes to athletes.
But the coloured nettle can do even more. More and more scientists are looking into its effects and have found out that the nettle has a stimulation of the adenate cycle activity. This finding can especially relate to the support in fat loss and mean valuable insights for you.
Does the coloured nettle provide support for fat loss?
When building muscle, not only the diet plays a role, but also the fat loss or the conversion between fat loss and muscle mass. Here, too, the coloured nettle is supposed to be able to do a lot, which is why it is very popular with strength athletes. Several studies have been carried out to this end and it has been recognised that the coloured nettle can have a very positive effect on muscle mass and fat loss. Of course, as an athlete you should not forget the most important component in this equation, the sport.
The breakdown of fat can be promoted by the coloured nettle, but this is based on numerous mechanisms of action. Studies have shown, for example, that the nettle can reduce the Testosterone levels in the body can increase significantly, which would definitely have a positive explanation on muscle building.
In addition, it could be recognized that the coloured nettle promotes the function of the thyroid gland. This stimulates the metabolism and more fat can be burned. The effects of the coloured nettle can therefore be very diverse and also differ greatly for each athlete or non-athlete, which is why you should in no case cut back on a healthy diet.
Nevertheless, we recommend the use of our supplements with coloured nettle, because they can provide you with an adequate supply of minerals and nutrients. The sufficient supply and the non-existent deficiency symptoms will subsequently have a positive effect on your training and your health.
The side effects of coloured nettle
Since it is a herbal remedy, the side effects are very limited with coloured nettle. To date, there are no known side effects when taken correctly, which of course can have a very positive effect on the consumer.
Side effects can only occur in case of allergic reactions. Our foods have different compositions and can be present both as a powder but also as a capsule. When taking you should definitely pay attention to the most important rules. These are listed on the packaging.
If you still have questions about the income or the effects, our comprehensive team is always available to answer these questions. You can reach us via mail as well as by phone.