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Lysine - indispensable for the immune system and growth
For the formation of enzymes, for the immune system and for growth is Lysine probably the most important component. It is involved in many Proteins involved and therefore incredibly important for the human organism. Already in 1889 was Lysine isolated from casein, a milk protein. However, it was not until 1902 that the structure was clarified.
Lysine cannot be produced by the human body itself, therefore it is an essential Amino acid. A sufficient amount can be absorbed with the daily diet, but there are areas in life that require an additional supply with supplements. In addition to the functions already mentioned, lysine continues to contribute to the formation of hormones and antibodies, supports collagen synthesis and bone health.
Calcium can be stored and absorbed. The nitrogen balance in the body is maintained and it convinces with antiviral abilities, which play a crucial role especially for the nitrogen balance. It strengthens the arterial walls and is therefore naturally also used in medicine for vascular diseases.
What foods contain lysine?
There are also animal and plant foods that contain a high value of lysine. With a healthy as well as varied and regular diet and intake of lysine, an undersupply is best prevented. Animal foods are any dairy products, Fish and also eggs. However, little lysine is contained in vegetables.
The exception here are the lentils, peas and beans. However, it should be remembered that lysine is very sensitive to dry heat. Roasting or toasting should therefore be avoided if possible, in order to be able to supply the body with the sufficient amount of lysine.
Particularly popular sources of lysine at 100 grams are parmesan cheese with 3170 mg, tuna with 2210 mg, pork fillet with 2120 mg and shrimp with 2020 mg and beef fillet with 2020 mg. Soybeans contain 1900 mg, wheat germ 1900 mg, lentils 1890 mg, chicken 1790 mg and peanuts 1100 mg.
When is an additional requirement necessary?
The daily requirement of lysine for a healthy adult is on average 14 mg per kilogram of body weight. However, children have a particularly high requirement, which increases threefold. Children between the ages of 10 and 12 should take in about 44 mg per kilogram. If a balanced diet is followed, the need for lysine can be covered by the food intake. Even athletes who have a high requirement can supply themselves with sufficient lysine. If one does not necessarily start from Germany, it is to be noted that in countries, in which lysine-poor kinds of grain, like corn or wheat are cultivated, a lysine deficiency is often determined.
People who have a very weak immune system and repeatedly fight with herpes infections have a particularly high need for lysine. This can partly not be compensated by the daily diet. Therefore, there are a number of dietary supplements that can counteract an undersupply. Lysine is also involved in the calcium metabolism and prevents osteoporosis with the appropriate amount or is used as a treatment.
For cardiovascular diseases, lysine is administered by orthomolecular physicians as a therapy. It is also known that lysine supports the reduction of triglycerides and ensures a quick recovery after surgery or injury.
Dosage, overdose, side effects of lysine
A lysine deficiency causes all functions in the body that are dependent on lysine to be disturbed. In particular, it affects the growth, the nitrogen balance and also the defense functions. However, these phenomena are usually only noticeable in countries that do not take in enough lysine with their daily diet. At a dosage of about four grams a day, side effects or toxic effects are not to be noted in a perfectly healthy adult.
If this amount is exceeded and the tenfold is supplied, unpleasant intestinal cramps can occur and even diarrhoea. Who has a food allergy to milk, eggs or wheat, should hereby generally refrain from the supply of lysine. As prevention lysine is badly applicable - as therapy support it comes however very frequently to the use. Especially herpes infections are supported with an accompanying and also preventive treatment with lysine.
In the case of a herpes infection, a daily intake of about one to three grams is usually recommended as treatment. For the prevention as well as the therapy of osteoporosis, lysine is also used. Supplements can achieve absorption of calcium and decrease excretion. Calcium is an extremely important mineral for the formation and strengthening of bones. If a therapeutic application is made, it must always be recommended by the treating physician on the one hand and controlled on the other.
The effect of lysine in the body
L-lysine is one of the most important components of collagen. This is found in the tendons, in the hair, in the teeth and in the bones. The better the body is supplied with lysine, this important amino acid, the stronger and stronger the body is in general. In parallel, lysine has an antidepressant effect, reduces susceptibility to stress and contributes to delaying the aging process. However, the most important factor is that lysine supports the storage of calcium and this primarily concerns children, for whom it is essential to ensure a sufficient supply.
The Muscle growth regarding lysine is also not to be neglected. It has been proven to promote cell division and bone growth. Lysine is also significantly involved in building muscle mass and supports fat metabolism. It is therefore an absolute all-rounder for every sex and every age.
Since an additional supply of lysine is actually not necessary during sports, many therefore do without Sportsman on a nutritional supplement. However, this would be especially important when intensive training phase or also preparations for competitions take place. If the daily maximum dose is not exceeded, lysine definitely does no harm.
Find the perfect product for your dietary supplement with our help
Many preparations are available for dietary supplementation that can be used by all age groups. Especially athletes who have realized that additional lysine is important, like to use combination products. These are simultaneously enriched with proteins or minerals as well as carbohydrates. Everything an athlete needs, he gets with the help of high-quality supplements.
If children are to be supplied with lysine, it is essential to point out that this should first be discussed with the attending physician. If the doctor does not determine that there is an undersupply, it is not necessary to supply lysine. Even if it is an element without serious side effects, the intake should not be exaggerated.