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L-citrulline - the engine for arginine
Amino acids are among the most important building blocks for the body. They are particularly useful for building cells and muscles. In addition, many Amino acids through chemical compounds in the body to messenger substances that have a great influence on the brain, the cardiovascular system and the blood. In addition to the numerous essential and non-essential amino acids, which include serotonin, melatonin and dopamine, there is also a whole range of non-proteinogenic amino acids.
Although these only play second fiddle at first glance, they are nevertheless enormously important due to their properties. Among them is also the amino acid L-Citrulline. In sports circles, it is also known as citrulline. In addition to its pure form, L-citrulline also appears very often in combination with malate or Creatine on.
Where does L-citrulline occur?
Amino acids, as anyone who knows a little about healthy eating knows, can be taken both with food and in the form of powder or capsules. L-citrulline belongs to the amino acids that are produced by the body itself, as well as can be ingested with food.
For example, watermelon, to which L-citrulline also owes its name, contains a particularly large amount of citrulline. In addition, onions and garlic can also contain citrulline. If you are not a fan of watermelons, you also have the option of taking this amino acid as a powder.
The areas of application and effects of L - Citrulline
Besides Arginine und Ornithin gehört L-Citrullin zu den drei Aminosäuren, die ganz besonders für den Harnstoffzyklus verantwortlich sind. Dies ist jedoch noch längst nicht der einzige positive Faktor von L-Citrullin. Wandert diese Aminosäure erst einmal durch den Darm, wird sie dort zur Vorstufe von L-Arginin, und der menschliche Körper kann sie in der Leber zu reinem Arginine umwandeln.
Since L-citrulline is very well tolerated by the organism, it also ensures after the conversion to arginine that this arginine as an amino acid again has a stable level throughout the day, even if the body has long since shut down the actual arginine.
This interaction of L-citrulline and arginine in turn ensures that all blood vessels in the body are dilated and better supplied with blood. The better blood circulation also has a good effect on the heart and circulatory system and prevents heart disease and stroke. In addition, the blood pressure is also lowered, which is a valuable help especially for people with high blood pressure.
In addition, thanks to this combination, numerous waste products, stress hormones and toxins are simply flushed out with the urine.
L-Citrulline brings more performance for athletes
But also those who do a lot of sports and pay attention to their diet should not do without L-citrulline. Besides a better absorption of Vitamins, minerals and trace elements, this amino acid can also have a good effect on the formation and building of new muscles, as well as the muscle pump during exercise, thanks to its high nitrogen content.
Another good thing about L-citrulline is that it can help the body break down ammonia. This is a toxin that appears in the blood especially after exercise. During exercise, it causes the muscles to become acidic more quickly, which in turn has a negative impact on performance and training success. With L-Citrulline, the ammonia is removed from the body and the muscles stay fit longer. Therefore, L-citrulline is especially suitable for endurance sports.
L-Citrulin has even more positive effects
If you are a competitive athlete who, in addition to building new muscles, wants to use your training to continuously increase your performance, you should mix L-citrulline together with lettuce. If you take both building blocks for yourself, they unfold in equal parts a real firework of muscle power, which allows an intense workout and thus more endurance and performance. If both are packed together, the Muscle growth increased many times over. In addition, the endurance also increases noticeably and one becomes tired and exhausted much later. With the help of L-citrulline and malate, training sessions can therefore also be made longer each time without it being harmful to the muscles or the organism.
Those who want to offer the muscle cells a healthy cell protection in addition to an increased performance and vitality during training can take creatine in addition to L-citrulline and malate. Incidentally, all three substances in turn form other amino acids in the body, so that you stay fit and healthy.
A study has also shown that L-citrulline after exercise helps to prevent annoying muscle soreness from occurring in the first place. In addition, the muscles can rehabilitate much faster after sports.
The use of L-citrulin in medicine
However, L-Citrulline is not only a small wonder for athletic and effective muscles. Besides the use as a useful dietary supplement, it is also used in medical treatments. The spectrum here is enormously diverse and can refer both to the prevention, as well as in the form of a therapy.
For example, Alzheimer's and dementia, fatigue, weak muscles, sickle cell disease or erectile dysfunction can be alleviated. In addition, L-citrulline is also a good alternative to chemical clubs often used for hypertension, diabetes or diseases of the heart, thanks to its blood circulation-enhancing effect.
Furthermore, L-citrulline is also more commonly used after surgical procedures to speed wound healing and prevent the risk of bacterial infections.
L-Citrulline as a dietary supplement
If you are a strength or endurance athlete and want to include L-citrulline in your diet in the form of powder in addition to eating watermelon, garlic and onions, you should pay close attention to the dosage. Here it may be advisable to consult the family doctor in advance, as the state of health, gender or even age must be taken into account.
In general, however, it can be said that the intake of L-citrulline should not exceed five to eight grams daily.
The side effects of L-Citrulline
Normally, most Vitamins, minerals and amino acids very good for the organism, as long as it is not exaggerated with the dose. This is no different with L-citrulline. In contrast to other means, the side effects, if the dose was accidentally increased, still relatively mild. Here, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea must be expected.
If you want to use L-citrulline during pregnancy or for the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease, you should work out a treatment plan with your doctor before you start. The same also applies, by the way, if medication has to be taken because of other diseases.