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Amino acids are an important building block for the human body. If they are supplied too little or not at all, this is at the expense of health and general well-being. This is because amino acids are used to form important proteins in the liver, which the body in turn needs to protect itself from toxins and diseases.
What are amino acids?
Amino acids are formed when the amino acids supplied to the body are Egg white is broken down into its components. They pass through the bloodstream to the liver, where they are assembled into the proteins that are essential for life. However, there are also amino acids that do not form proteins but sugars in the human body. Furthermore, the amino acids are responsible for the transport of copper, iron and Zinc via the bloodstream. If you do not have enough amino acids in your blood and these trace elements are no longer transported, you can easily feel tired, fatigued and listless.
What happens when there is an imbalance of amino acids?
So if you feel listless and listless, get tired easily and maybe even have a Hair loss takes place, which one cannot explain, it could be due to an imbalance of amino acids in the bloodstream. To find this out, there is a simple blood test that can be done at the family doctor. This is because it is not only important trace elements that are no longer transported. If there is a deficiency in the bloodstream, the body resorts to the amino acids in the skin and hair roots and withdraws them from them. This then also leads to increased hair loss.
How can an imbalance of amino acids occur in the body?
Such an imbalance of amino acids is often a consequence of constant stress, after or during a long illness, too much sport or also age-related. If one of these factors, such as hair loss, applies and you feel at the same time weak and exhausted, you should take countermeasures.
How can you counteract this?
Dietary supplements that contain increased amino acids are available at pharmacies. But also an increased intake of protein through the diet, such as a lot of light, tender poultry meat, milk, cheese products and eggs can bring the amino acid formation in the body back into balance. In this way, the balance in the body can be restored. Fatiguedepressive moods, lack of concentration and hair loss then no longer stand a chance.