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Every day we lose about 100 hairs. Our skin cells renew themselves every 25 days. For the necessary replication of these skin and hair cells, the Amino acids responsible.
Large quantities of amino acids are necessary for this. This is because the body is exposed to a wide variety of stresses due to its environment. The replenishment and Regeneration of the body structure is therefore important.
Otherwise, the skin can become sallow, the hair loses its shine, falls out, or nails become brittle. Therefore, the supply of nutrients is recommended and purposeful.
Amino acids for the skin
As a rule, just about every woman attaches importance to an attractive appearance and beautiful skin. Furthermore, it would be fantastic if the hair is shiny and the fingernails are firm and healthy.
The skin can weigh up to 10 kg in total on the body, it is the largest organ of the human being.
The skin consists of three layers:
- Epidermis
- Leather skin
- Subcutaneous
Decisive for the appearance of the skin is the middle layer, the dermis. Collagenous and elastic fibers are responsible for the framework. In addition, the hair roots and the sensory receptors for the sense of touch are located there. By the way, each hair root has its own muscle. When these go into action, goose bumps occur. The fibrous framework and the fluid surrounding it are decisive for the appearance and firmness of the skin. The collagen fibers consist mainly of the amino acids glycine, proline and Lysinethe elastic ones for the most part from valine and lysine.
Amino acids are essential for building structures, but they also have another very important task: they stimulate the influx of fluid into the cell, bind it in the cell and thus set a building signal, i.e., the cell is prompted to produce more protein and thus also collagen. This is not to be confused with water and lymph retention in the underlying connective tissue. Glutamine is also prominently involved in these processes and additionally ensures a balanced acid-base budget. In addition, the amino acid arginine, glycine and methionine play an important role for healthy skin.
From these amino acids, the human body can build creatine, which plays an important role in the energy metabolism of the body's cells and thus also supports energy production and the renewal processes in the skin. Methionine is the starting material for very important radical scavengers. Especially in the skin numerous free radicals are produced. UV radiation alone contributes a lot to this. It is now common knowledge that too much sun exposure, at least for fair-skinned people, only contributes very briefly to a more beautiful appearance of the skin, but in the long term destroys the elastic fibers of the skin.
An amino acid complex that covers many of the amino acids is ideal:
Numerous cosmetics promise exactly this effect, but what few beauty friends know is that the most effective active ingredients come pretty much directly from nature. This is also the case with amino acids, for example. These acids designate certain proteins that stimulate cell growth and thus cell renewal. Since skin and hair are also made of cell building blocks, they benefit from the consumption of amino acids effectively and, above all, handsomely.
Hair & Nails
We know it from the animal kingdom:
There, the condition of the coat very clearly reflects the state of health. The main structural element is keratin. It consists of long amino acid chains that are twisted like a spiral staircase. This is called a helix. Several helical strands are grouped together and connected by bridges, between amino acids on adjacent strands. The number of bridges determines the strength of the corresponding tissue. Accordingly, in hair there are fewer than in nails. In keratin, the most common amino acids are phenylalanine, Isoleucine, valine and Alanine and the sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine.
Hair loss:
Hair loss is a very important issue that can have many causes. Anything more than 100 hairs per day should be cause for a medical examination. Very common causes are thyroid dysfunction or iron deficiency. If all these possibilities are excluded, an amino acid deficiency may also play a role.
Arginine can positively influence hair growth through its vasodilatory effect. This is because it improves blood flow to the hair roots and stimulates hair growth.
Use sources of nature
There's a saying that goes, "You are what you eat." This is true for the body and, of course, for body care. It is particularly effective to use the sources of nature with regard to beauty care. Various nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals can be taken in with food or added to natural cosmetics. In both cases, the skin is supplied with valuable substances and blossoms fresh and radiant. Amino acids thus make a valuable contribution to active beauty care. Skin and hair radiate fresh and nourished, because they are supplied with important nutrients of nature.
Amino acids in food and cosmetics
Amino acids are so beneficial to health and beauty care because they come directly from nature and are not altered in their active ingredient. Thus, cell growth is activated in the entire organism, so the skin on the whole body benefits from the essential amino acids. Also the well-being increases, as well as the efficiency. This further contributes to a fresher appearance, the person simply feels good all around. In addition to amino acids, other nutrients such as vitamins, fiber and the like are also important for the health and appearance of the body. A successful mixture of diverse nutrients is therefore indispensable.