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Many know dull and flat hair. But broken hair can not be easily repaired even with conditioners and shampoos from the trade. These usually contain only silicones, which puts a thin film over the hair. But this will certainly improve the structure of the hair. Rather, it is only a purely cosmetic treatment without repair effect.
Rather, the hair needs so-called. Amino acidswhich are involved in the formation of hair. Such acids are produced by foods such as Legumes and cereals. Thus, it can of course also happen that the amonic acid supply is disturbed by inadequate or incorrect nutrition and the hair must then also suffer from this.
L-cysteine - the amino acid for hair
The most important substance for healthy hair is keratin, at least that is how it is widely known. But keratin actually consists only of the amino acid Cysteine. Cysteine contains sulfur molecules, which join together to form long chains. These chains give the hair a structure. If these chains are defective, the hair can very easily become brittle.
Also Glutaminethe most abundant amino acid in the body, is involved in the formation of hair. It also provides the hair with the necessary sulfur molecules.
Strengthen hair roots with L-arginine
But so that the hair roots are also well supplied, because this is where the hair is basically "formed" plays also Arginine plays an important role. Due to the vasodilating effect of this amino acid, it promotes better blood circulation to the hair roots. This allows them to work better and more effectively.
Hair growth and the structure of the hair are thus favored by amino acids, if little of these amino acids such as cysteine is present, the hair can also not be formed properly. The result is brittle and very fine hair. Amino acid intake should therefore be regulated by a balanced meal. But sometimes it is necessary to take additional preparations.
A doctor can provide more information on this.