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Many Germans spend their free time Sports. Today, both in private and in professional life, it is more important than ever to look healthy and fit. Those who want to get their bodies in shape not only need a lot of diligence, but in a digital age they also resort to outside help. Analysis devices can also help amateur athletes improve their performance in the Training to improve.
Analyze your own weight - a good start
Probably the best known analyzer, which certainly every German has used at least once, is the scale. For example, Mettler Toledo analyzers help Sportsman dabei, ihr Gewicht zu kontrollieren. So erkennt man über einen gewissen Zeitraum recht leicht, ob man Kilos verloren hat oder nicht. Moderne Waagen können aber auch den Wasser- und Fettgehalt bestimmen, was zudem für eine Optimierung des Trainings sorgen kann. Ein ebenfalls recht weit verbreitetes Analysegerät zu Verbesserung der Trainingsleistung ist die Pulsuhr. Sie wird vor allem beim Joggen und beim Training im Gym used. However, pulse watches of the current generation have little in common with models from a few years ago. Manufacturers like Pulsar have significantly improved the performance spectrum of the devices. For example, a current model not only measures the pulse, it also shows the athlete when he needs to increase the intensity and when he needs to reduce it in order to achieve the optimum workload. In addition, the training time itself and the calories burned are displayed. Depending on the model, the range of functions can increase further.
Why should I use an analyzer?
If you only do sport occasionally, an expensive investment in an analysis device is not worthwhile - although a scale should not be missing in any household. Expensive heart rate monitors are particularly suitable for ambitious hobby athletes who want to push their own bodies to the limits. The technology - especially in this area - is now so advanced that pulse watches indeed contribute a not inconsiderable part to significantly improve the training results.