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Anyone who wants to lose weight primarily needs stamina and the willingness to permanently change their diet. However, it is not just a matter of how much you eat, but also what you eat. Numerous natural Fatburner can help the body burn more fat and should therefore be a regular part of the diet. This also includes the Amino acids.
What are amino acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are responsible for many metabolic processes in our body, such as the storage and transport of nutrients and the regulation of metabolism. No wonder, then, that amino acids can positively influence a diet.
How exactly do amino acids help with weight loss?
There is a wide variety of amino acids that can contribute to weight loss in many different ways. The amino acid Glutamine for example, prevents the storage of dietary fats, while Arginine accelerates the burning of fat. Particularly important for fat burning is carnitine, which is responsible for the transport of fatty acids and, if available in sufficient quantities, gets the entire metabolism going.
Certain amino acids, in sufficient quantities, can also lead to the production of slimming hormones. One of these Hormones is STH. It is a growth hormone that is produced by the human organism during sleep and can promote the breakdown of fat. It is particularly interesting that people who are overweight have conspicuously little STH in their blood. However, by increasing the STH concentration with the help of amino acids, weight loss could be greatly facilitated.
What foods contain amino acids?
Not all amino acids can be produced by the body itself and must therefore be supplied in the form of food. Glutamine is particularly found in animal foods, especially in curd cheese and other dairy products, but also in Soy and wheat. Arginine is found especially in oatmeal, nuts and meat. Carnitine is also found in most types of meat. Overall, attention should be paid to a varied and balanced diet in order to take in enough amino acids, and in addition sufficient physical exercise should be ensured.