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Performance optimization and improvement of regeneration with amino acids
Many studies have addressed the question of whether performance enhancement is possible through nutritional strategies and supplementation.
Performance-enhancing substances can be divided into four groups
- Substances that have an anabolic (muscle-building) effect (e.g. Amino acids)
- Substances that mobilize rapid energy (e.g. carbohydrates)
- Substances that accelerate regeneration (e.g. antioxidants and amino acids)
- Substances with other criteria of exercise physiology
Amino acids can be used for energy production. In the muscle, the so-called branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are the essential amino acids Leucineisoleucine and valine, so that the liver can form glucose, i.e. sugar, from them. During endurance training, the amount of BCAAs in the blood is maintained by so-called muscle catabolism, i.e. muscle breakdown. If the blood level of BCAAs drops too much, then tryptophan increasingly reaches the brain via the blood-brain barrier, and fatigue can occur.
This can be avoided by supplementing with an optimized amino acid mixture of essential amino acids. A sole supply of BCAAs leads to an amino acid imbalance and is therefore counterproductive. Oral supplementation with amino acids between one and two hours before a workout can stop the protein breakdown in the muscle and thus keep muscle damage that occurs during training to a minimum.
The quality of regeneration and the recovery time of the muscle after a workout can be improved with an optimized amino acid preparation, which also contains arginine and is taken orally. With this targeted substitution, muscle pain can be stopped especially in cycling, but also in other sports are common. The ability to regenerate is a very important factor in targeted training, as it is important to ensure that no overtraining occurs, which, analogous to a stress reaction, can manifest itself in two ways.
Improved muscle recovery after exercise
The amino acid mixture he used in the study consisting of BCAA's threonine, lysine, Proline, methionine, histidine, phenylalanine and tryptophan could provide improved muscle strength during the recovery period.
In addition, the affected group had less muscle pain compared to the placebo group.
This study supports the protective effect of oral amino acid intake with respect to muscle loss from exercise.
The improvement of performance through amino acids and their performance-enhancing properties are controversially discussed. However, studies support that an optimization of mental and physical performance with amino acids is possible. In endurance sports, an optimization of blood values has been observed.