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Amino acids are carriers of the metabolic processes, i.e. all the Nutrients, so WaterCarbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, are stored. The metabolic diseases that are becoming more and more common nowadays, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, cause that there is not enough of them in our body. Since our food does not always have the necessary quality to supply the body with it, it is recommended to take it as a Food supplement to take.
Amino acids - especially important for diabetics
This is particularly important for diabetics, as they cannot properly utilize carbohydrates and sugar, which is a consequence of insulin resistance, i.e. production is restricted. Due to a reduced sensitivity of the cells, the hormone insulin is more difficult to absorb, which in turn results in too little energy being produced in the cells. The result is that the sugar is not broken down properly, and blood sugar rises. If this happens over a longer period of time, the groundwork is laid for a stroke or heart attack. The vessels are damaged and calcium deposits settle. That this wheel turns further downward, i.e. in the age the insulin production decreases further, for it the income of amino acids should work against it and increase the sensitivity of the insulin. A study showed, a group was treated with special diabetes Nutrition and a so-called placebo, the other group received regular additions of amino acids.
Increasing insulin sensitivity through amino acids
The result was clear, the group with the intake of amino acids showed a significantly better insulin sensitivity, an also good effect was thereby, the vessels are expanded, which had the consequence that the blood pressure decreased. Also studies result that with the diabetic foot an administration of amino acids clearly improved healing chances showed up. The Cholesterinspiegel, with the Diabeter also a dangerous thing, let that the mirror sink. Also with the kidney and eye illnesses occurring increasingly with the diabetic the amino acid protects and makes the body more resistant against it.