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Everyone is talking about the immune system, but how does it actually work?
Before we discuss the very important role of each Amino acids in the context of the immune system, the following is a short Overview via Structure and function of the immune system.
Without an immune system, there is no survival. Without an immune system, death from external invaders, i.e. infections, is inevitable.
Some cells, first and foremost the lymphocytes, have very important functions within this system. They have the task of distinguishing between friend and foe. They therefore learn to recognize an almost endless number of foreign invaders and develop a great memory in this direction. They recognize old enemies and even after a long time a second time and the same intruder has no chance.
In practice, this means that we are immune to many infections that we once had, so we never get them again. For us, a matter of course, but nevertheless a remarkable achievement of the body.
Different types of immune systems:
- Innate immune system
- Acquired immune system
1. the innate immune system
Consists essentially of the following components:
Natural barriersformed by the top layer of cells in the respiratory and digestive tracts.
White blood cellsThese are lymphocytes, granulocytes and monocytes. These then act as scavenger cells and surround an intruder and render it harmless.
Humoral factors, these are diverse proteins produced in response to invaders, such as interferons and lysozymes.
Dendritic cellsThese bind antigens and present them to the special defense cells, to which they can react specifically.
The innate immune system reacts very quicklybut is not specific and has no memory effect. If this means that an indentation cannot be fully detected, the -> Acquired immune system on the plan
2. the acquired immune system
The acquired immune system consists of the following components:
T lymphocytes: They form special antibodies called immunoglobulins that can neutralize invading microorganisms.
B lymphocytes: These can eliminate invaders by toxins, e.g. activate cytokines or other immune cells
The majority of these two types of cells are stored in the spleen and lymph nodes. Some of these cells live particularly long, because as so-called memory cells they remember certain intruders and eliminate them immediately in this way. Both immune systems can only function if sufficient amino acids are available for the synthesis of the defense proteins.
For a well-functioning immune system a sufficient amino acid supply is important
The immune system is under constant strain, especially during the cold season, and is required to perform at its best. Every day, hostile bacteria and viruses attack us. Even when we eat or drink, countless pathogens flow into our bodies. Every touch can expose us to harmful microorganisms in Contact bring
The immune system is our body's own protective force, which watches day and night to ensure that invaders do no harm to our body. However, the body must also be able to render enemies from within, such as degenerate cells, harmless. The immune system can recognize such foreign and unwanted cells, render them harmless and expel them from the body.
With frequently recurring infections, the body signals to us that the immune system is overtaxed. An important prerequisite for its good functioning can be created simply by providing the organism with sufficient building materials for the diverse tasks.
Amino acids play an important role for the immune system
Here it depends on a balanced composition and sophisticated dosage.