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What amino acids help with - An overview
In our last contributions we have already written several articles in which you can read where Amino acids can be helpful. In the following text we will give you a small overview of a few areas where amino acids are helpful, so you can see how important amino acids are. Amino acids help with many different things. In the following we present a few points where amino acids help.
Anti Aging:
Various studies have proven: Amino acids help to counteract the aging process. This is due to the vital substances found in amino acids, which enter the body through the amino acids. Thus, the correct intake of the correct amino acids acts as a kind of rebuilding cure for the body. These amino acids that help with this include:
- Glycine, Arginine and Methionine (present in creatine) → Collagen and elastin are produced
- L-Glutamine → provides a firm skin
- L-Arginine → promotes hair growth
Fat burning:
Amino acids also help with fat burning. If you take certain amino acids, the body is stimulated to form hormones that promote fat loss. Among the amino acids that favor the formation of these hormones are:
- Arginine
- Glutamine
- Methionine
Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis:
Amino acids also help with bone diseases. If osteoarthritis or osteoperosis is present, many doctors even recommend buying dietary supplements, because you probably do not absorb enough amino acids through a balanced diet.
Particularly important amino acids are:
- Mehtionin → cartilage building substance
- Arginine → supports bone formation (promotes the formation of collagen).
Amino acids in muscle building
It seems that amino acids in the Muscle building indispensable. One hears and reads again and again how bodybuilders and other fitness experts recommend certain amino acids.
Stress reduction through amino acids
Of course, amino acids are also directly related to a person's mood. Particularly noteworthy is the amino acid glutamine, because it helps the body in several ways. On the one hand, it strengthens the immune system, but at the same time it also helps against stress.
Because Glutamine can be called an energy supplier for the cells. But this is far from enough, because in addition to glutamine also help Arginine and Ornithine in calming down and relaxing. You ask yourself how? Quite simply, through ornithine and arginine, the cellular toxin ammonia develops into urea and it is precisely this that ensures better sleep. Because if the human body contains too much ammonia, this is a reason for insomnia.