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All about amino acids
Amino acids are to be seen as building blocks of proteins. There are so far 22 proteinogenic Amino acids are known. In addition, 250 non-proteinogenic, i.e. natural amino acids with biological functions are known. Amino acids have also been found on comets and meteorites.
Definition of amino acids
Almost one fifth of the human body consists of proteins. Proteins are formed in our body from amino acids. Amino acids help the body to grow and support the metabolism in our body important, they protect our body on from many toxins and diseases. Thanks to amino acids our body is vital and healthy.
Besides the important protein-forming amino acids the body also still has the so-called "Non-proteinogenic amino acids". These are responsible in the body for the fact that, for example, sugar can be formed.
Notice: In total, the human body has 20 proteinogenic and 250 non-proteinogenic amino acids. Each amino acid has a different task so that the body can feel vital and healthy.
However, amino acids can only Protein form and work properly when the entire body is in balance. If you take supplements in the form of amino acids in addition to a balanced diet, they protect our body from fatigue, depressive moods and lack of concentration. Furthermore, they improve the performance, as well as the cardiac output and the regeneration after sports is also much faster and you feel much faster vital and healthy again.
If the amino acid content in the body is not in balance, the body no longer feels healthy and vital. To get the amino acids it needs, the body draws on reserves in the hair, muscles and skin.
Individual need of amino acids
The protein that we eat throughout the day is broken down into amino acids in the body. From here, the amino acids enter the bloodstream and then the liver, where they are converted into proteins. The need for protein and amino acids is different for each person. The need depends entirely on the physical and mental activity.
What foods are rich in amino acids?
Amino acids - they are vital for our body and also have quite a few positive properties. Some amino acids can not produce our body itself, the so-called essential amino acids. For this reason, we must take these in through food. But which foods are particularly rich in amino acids? In order to help you and to create an overview, we will present the essential amino acids and list in which foods they are particularly common.
- Lysine → Lysine is involved in cell division and also helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Lysine is found particularly frequently in meat, eggs, milk and fish.
- Tryptophan → helps especially well with stress. Is found in meat, especially venison, deer, pork or even turkey.
- Valine → promotes the building of muscle mass. Is contained among other things in chicken, beef fillet or also oatmeal.
- Methionine → is responsible for muscle building and strengthening the immune system. Especially fish, meat and dairy products in general are particularly rich in methionine
- Phenylalanine → helps with depression. High content in meat/sausage and cheese as well as eggs.
- Isoleucine → is applied to maple syrup disease. Found very strongly in chicken breast fillet, peas or also beef.
- Threonine → finds use in digestive problems. Found in particularly high amounts in chicken breast fillet, beef and peas.
- Leucine → important for building and maintaining muscles. Found in chicken breast, salmon, beef or even walnuts.
Amino acids for muscle building
Many who are active in the field of bodybuilding, fitness or sports in general will know how important amino acids are for the body and what a high value they have in terms of muscle building. But why do amino acids have such a great importance in muscle building? Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. So a kind of chain can be said, many amino acids form a protein. Amino acids or proteins are very popular dietary supplements, precisely because it is not always possible to cover the daily requirement through a healthy and balanced diet.
What are BCAAs?
Particularly popular and bodybuilders or strength athletes are the so-called BCAAs. BCAA is an abbreviation and stands for Branched-Chain Amino Acids. BCAAs belong to the above-mentioned essential amino acids, i.e. those that the body cannot produce on its own. These include leucine, isoleucine and valine. These aminos, unlike others, are absorbed directly into the muscles and not through the liver. The benefits of BCAAs are quite clear. They support muscle building, counteract protein breakdown during dieting and are responsible for providing energy.
A clear advantage of BCAAs as a dietary supplement is that all 3 amino acids, i.e. leucine, isoleucine and valine are absorbed simultaneously. This promises the greatest success for muscle building.
More information regarding amino acids in muscle building can be found here.
Amino acids for weight loss
Amino acids are, as already mentioned, very versatile and help not only to build muscle, but also to lose weight. But how does that actually work? Why and above all how do amino acids help with weight loss?
First of all, it is necessary to explain what causes us to lose or gain weight. In principle, this is determined by hormones. By taking certain amino acids, the organism is stimulated to produce certain hormones that are responsible for weight loss.
Which amino acids help?
Probably the most important hormone that helps the human body lose weight is the growth hormone STH, this stands for somatotropic hormone. This hormone helps the body to burn fat
Arginine, glutamine and methionine are the amino acids responsible for the production of such fat-burning hormones. Another interesting amino acid in terms of weight loss is carnitine. Because carnitine not only promotes muscle building, but also weight loss, because it helps burn the fat reserves in the body.
Move yourself!
But of course it must be said that amino acids are not a miracle cure. To lose weight successfully, several factors are involved. Of course, to achieve the goals you must also pay attention to a healthy diet, in addition, of course, is also clearly advantageous if ma best still does sports.
How amino acids can help you lose weight: More information here.
Chemical formulas of amino acids
With the help of this table, it is possible to read off which chemical formulas the individual amino acids have. In addition, the abbreviations are also shown in the table.
Alanine | ala | A | HOCCH(NH)CH |
Arginine | arg | R | C6H14N4O2 |
Asparagine | asn | N | C4H7NO4 |
Aspartic acid | asp | D | C4H7NO4 |
Cysteine | cys | C | C3H7NO2S |
Glutamine | gln | Q | C5H10N2O3 |
Glutamic acid | glu | E | C5H9NO4 |
Glycine | gly | G | C2H5NO2 |
Histidine | his | H | C3H3N2CH2(NH2)COOH |
Isoleucine | ile | I | HOCCH(NH)CH(CH)CHCH |
Leucine | leu | L | C6H13NO2 |
Lycin | lis | K | C6H14N2O2 |
Methionine | met | M | C5H11NO2S |
Phenylalanine | phe | F | C9H11NO2 |
Proline | per | P | C5H9NO2 |
Serine | ser | S | HO2CCH(NH2)CH2OH |
Threonine | thr | T | HO2CCH(NH2)CH(OH)CH3 |
Tryptophan | trp | W | C11H12N2O2 |
Tyrosine | tyr | Y | C9H11NO3 |
Valine | val | V | C5H11NO2 |
The genetic code
The genetic code contains combinatorial rules for protein formation. The basis for the code occurring in nature are the so-called Base Trippletswhich are able to proteinogenic amino acids to code. The genetic code is therefore a biological rule according to which the sequences of base pairs of the DNA are transferred into a parallel corresponding sequence of amino acids.
Universal code rules
The Nucleotide bases form a simple alphabet of four letters in the DNA, which can encode the amino acids from the proteins. The genetic codes thus consist of code words - the so-called codons, where each codon represents a sequence of nucleotide base pairs, respectively. encodes a specific amino acid.
In many organisms, the basic mechanism of the genetic code is actually very similar. Once the amino acid sequence is known, the corresponding DNA sequence can be isolated and, for example, introduced into a bacterial cell (so-called host organism), thereby producing the desired protein.
Amino acids as protein building blocks
The genetic code is therefore understood to be not only the code itself, but actually all the rules on the basis of which the sequence of DNA is translated into an amino acid sequence. A particular amino acid consists of a sequence of three DNA bases and is considered a building block of proteins.
According to this, the entire blueprint of the protein can be read from a gene (i.e. a DNA segment) and later implemented. Since the genetic code is universal, it is also valid for all living beings.
From the DNA sequence to the amino acid sequence
A DNA sequence is the actual sequence of the individual bases, in the DNA strand. The DNA bases are:
- Adenine (A),
- Thymine (T),
- Cytosine (C)
- Guanine (G).
The groups of three (also called codons, tripplets or nucleobases) that follow one another and are found in the nucleic acid are translated into corresponding amino acids according to the genetic code. Individual codons or base triplets can then look like this, for example: ATG/AUG, CGC, AAT/AAU.
The entire DNA of a cell can be thought of as a book, with the Codons actually stand for words. A gene thus consists of a large number of such codons, and codes both the beginning and the end of a gene, and also one of the 20 amino acids from which cell proteins are made. There is therefore a direct and fixed connection between the Nucleotide sequences in DNA, and the amino acid sequences in proteins.
The code sun for protein biosynthesis in genetics
The code sun is a graphical representation and was first introduced in 1972 to track protein biosynthesis in genetics.
On the basis of the Code Sun illustrates how the Base triplets of mRNA is translated into the corresponding amino acid. The code sun reads from the inside to the outside. The outer part of the code sun contains the numerous different amino acids, whereas the mRNA is located inside the code sun.
As already mentioned, the code sun is used by read inside out. For example, the base sequence UCA yields the amino acid serine.
The essential amino acids are indispensable for the protective system of the body and its cell metabolism. Amino acids support the formation of proteins, which are of great importance for growth processes and the fight against diseases and toxins. Therefore, it is important for every person to supply enough amino acids, most effectively in the form of an amino acid complex.
The need for amino acids
Although the essential amino acids are urgently needed by every body, since it cannot produce them itself, individual needs vary depending on physical and mental activity.
The properties of amino acids
By taking a Amino acids complex, which consists of the important ingredients such as L-arginine, L-carnitine and L-lysine, the health of the body's own cells as well as the sugar metabolism is significantly supported. The capsule can be very well absorbed by the body, as they are also found in the daily diet, but the supply of amino acids through the diet is not always sufficient for optimal supply. This deficiency can lead to physical discomfort and diseases such as depression and poor cardiac performance.
Consequences Amino acids are included in the amino acid complex:
Essential amino acids:
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Valine
- Lysine
- Phenylalanine
- Threonine
- Tryptophan
Non-essential amino acids:
- Alanine
- Glutamine
- Glycine
- Tyrosine
- Proline
- Serine
Semi-essential amino acids:
- Arginine
- Histidine
The effect of amino acids
An amino acid complex can have a supporting and healing effect in various cases of illness and also provide preventive assistance. Since each amino acid has a different positive effect on the body, such an amino acid complex is particularly recommended to get the best result for health. Phenylalanine, thyrosine and tryptophan are known for their antidepressant effects. The amino acid arginine improves cardiac performance and thus also lowers the level of choleristerin and blood pressure.
Valine is known for increasing endurance and regeneration especially during sports, the amino acid methionine detoxifies the body and has a mood-lifting effect. So it is very important to pay attention to the sufficient supply of essential amino acids to maintain health for a long time.
Essential and non-essential amino acids
Learn all about the differences here:
Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins - It can be said that there are two main categories of amino acids. On the one hand, there are the so-called essential amino acids and the non-essential amino acids. The main difference between the two is that the non-essential amino acids can be produced by the organism itself, whereas the essential amino acids must be taken in externally, i.e. through food or supplements. Without these essential amino acids, the body could not survive. In addition, there are also semi-essential amino acids, which, however, must only be taken in through food, should, for example, the protein requirement have increased.
Non-essential amino acids
As already mentioned, the body can produce the so-called non-essential amino acids itself or they are produced by conversion of other amino acids. These amino acids include:
- L-Alanine
- L-Arginine
- L-asparagine
- L-Cysteine
- L-Glycine
- L-Histidine
- L-serine
- L-tyrosine (essential for children)
Essential amino acids
The essential amino acids, which are also called vital amino acids, cannot be produced by the body itself. For this reason, it is important to take these amino acids through food or supplements.
- L-isoleucine
- L-Leucine
- L-lysine
- L-Methionine
- L-Phenylalanine
- L-threonine
- L-tryptophan
- L-valine
Semi-essential amino acids
Strictly speaking, there is even a third type of amino acids. The so-called semi-essential amino acids. Although these can be synthesized by the body itself, they must be supplied from the outside if certain conditions apply, such as stress without physical exertion. These semi-essential amino acids include:
- Arginine
- Asparagine
- Cysteine
- Glutamine
- Glycine
- Proline
- Tyrosine
All about amino acids
The Amino acid glycine it is particularly important to pay attention to. Without doubt, this building material of life can be described as extremely important, because it is one of the most important components of all proteins in the human body, which are responsible for the metabolism of humans. It is important to emphasize that this amino acid can be supplied, but can also be produced by the human organism itself, even if support is required in case of malfunctions.
Supply glycine to the human body
Due to the special importance of this amino acid, it is important to get an idea of how this building material of life can be supplied to one's own organism. An appropriate diet offers the opportunity to do this, because some foods contain a high concentration of glycine, which is why the body's own production of the building material can be supported accordingly.
Glycine is strongly present in these foods:
- Chicken meat
- Salmon
- Rice and
- Soybeans
must be mentioned here in advance, as these amino acids contain a high proportion. However, walnuts or eggs can also be processed and consumed for this purpose, as these foods can also result in an increase in the glycine budget.
The effect of the amino acid
A closer look at the effect of glycine brings up three different focal points. First of all, it is important to mention here that this amino acid is found in almost every protein, which is why its role as a Protein component without question one of the most important functions of glycine. But this substance is also extremely important for the human metabolism. In this connection is namely to mention that in this step. the conversion of tetrahydrofolic acid must be addressed, which is extremely important in the synthesis of so-called thymine nucleotides.
However, the amino acid glycine is also very important for the nervous system. Here, this acts as a glycine receptor as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which performs its actual service or task as an inhibitory signal substance in the human nervous system.
L-Arginine is a substance that was discovered only a few years ago. It is known as a trigger for many body reactions, such as. Muscle growth known. The exact modes of action and further effects will be discussed later in the text.
It is usually taken in powder or capsule form. The dosage depends on the intended use.
Does my body have a need for L-Arginine?
Yes, L-arginine is an amino acid which is vital for the body. Especially as a child and in the senior age, the body has a higher arginine requirement, as this is important for growth. It is therefore a balanced diet eg. important with legumes and cereals, because amino acids are obtained from this. However, if the body is supplied with additional additional L-arginine, the effect is naturally increased.
Properties of L-Arginine
L-arginine is a so-called amino acid, which has a Precursor of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a messenger substance that activates certain bodily functions. Hormones are also messengers, but they have a longer duration of action. L-arginine decomposes quite quickly. However, the exact processes are very complicated and will not be discussed in detail here.
The effect of L-arginine
But now to the most important point, the effect of L-arginine. This amino acid causes muscle growth when taken, among other things. That is why it is very popular especially among bodybuilders.
With the natural occurrence in the body, it also helps with the Childhood growth. Another effect of L-arginine is that it allows a person to lose weight. It also lowers blood pressure, normalizes cholesterol levels and contributes to a strong immune system.
But for many, the potency-increasing effect of L-arginine is also an important aspect, because studies have already proven this. According to this, many also use L-arginine as a substitute for Viagra or similar sexual enhancers.
L-asparagine is a proteinogenic amino acid. L-asparagine is found, for example, in asparagus which also gives it its name, but also in cereals, potatoes or legumes. The Romans, Greeks and Chinese already knew this. In the 19th century, the amino acid could be isolated in asparagus for the first time.
It is odorless and has sulfur-containing compounds in the shoot axes of asparagus plants. Asparagine can be produced and synthesized by living organisms themselves, in humans for example in the liver. In antiquity, asparagus was also said to have an effect as an aphrodisiac.
In addition to asparagine, foods such as potatoes or cereals also contain reducing sugars, such as glucose. If these foods are heated with little water, acrylamide can be formed, which is considered to be carcinogenic. This effect occurs especially when potatoes are fried, baked or deep-fried. Therefore, carbohydrate-rich foods should only be cooked as long as necessary and very gently.
Mode of action and use in traditional medicine
Asparagine promotes the detoxification of the body from foreign substances by stimulating kidney production. Thus, asparagine has a diuretic effect, but also purifies the blood. In addition, asparagine plays an important role in the breakdown of alcohol in the blood and thus relieves the liver.
In the body, the amino acid acts as Precursor of chemical messengers, which are responsible for passing information from nerve cell to nerve cell. Furthermore, asparagine has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and the general state of mind. This also has an effect on fatigue, as scientific studies show that so more
- Energy
- Endurance
- Perseverance
can be achieved. Asparagine is further involved in the transport of nitrogen, which is needed for biochemical reactions. Asparagine is also important for the immune system, as it is involved in the formation of sugar-protein molecules called glycoproteins, helping to to identify the body's own cells. Asparagine also has a positive effect on low blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, heart palpitations and liver disease.
Cultivation, extraction, production
Asparagine can be produced in the body itself by biosynthesis can be produced. Industrial production is also possible. In this process, ammonia is added to fumaric acid in a complex biotechnical procedure. In addition, the enzyme L-aspartase is used for this purpose.
In the case of the often-discussed among athletes and scientists alike L-Carnitine is a substance similar to the vitamins we know. It is mainly used in sports.
L-Carnitine need
In principle, L-carnitine is present in the human body. It is excreted and newly formed. This means that the body can produce the substance itself. The necessary requirement for a normal person is sufficiently covered by the mentioned self-production, as well as normal mixed food intake via meat. Thus, a supply through dietary supplements is normally not necessary. However, competitive athletes and vegetarians could certainly think about it.
Effect of L-Carnitine
L-Carnitine is fat-burning effect and performance-enhancing potential said. Both, however, are controversial. In the effect as a fat-burning agent, science is relatively unanimous that from L-carnitine as a sole substance no significant effect emanates. However, it looks different with the question of performance enhancement, or better said regeneration improvement. Taken regularly, the dreaded cramps can be prevented quite effectively before sporty loads. In addition, muscle soreness and damage to the skeletal muscles as consequential damage. Thus, especially in sports such as cycling, athletics, or but biathlon the application would be useful.
In summary, L-Carnitine should not be seen as the "miracle cure", but rather as a clever way to supplement your diet. Especially for vegetarians, who may not be able to take enough L-carnitine through their diet as the body needs. But also as a support for athletes to enable the body better and faster regeneration.
Every body ultimately reacts differently, so everyone must find out for themselves whether they can benefit from the substance, or whether a balanced diet is sufficient. Regular and continuous intake is of course a prerequisite for long-term success.
If you fear the first signs of the natural aging process and want to delay them as long as possible, you have every reason to do so. Acetyl L-Carnitinean important chemical component of the amino acid L-carnitine. With this dietary supplement we are dealing with a real power substance. Initially underestimated, science had to admit after years of research that acetyl L-carnitine increases the energy of the cells and can permanently curb nervous cell death.
L-Carnitine in food
Meat extract | 3686 |
Roe deer, elk, reindeer | 35-193 |
Sheep, goat | 16,7-190 |
Horse, kangaroo | 117-166 |
Beef | 45-143 |
Bunny | 44,1-120 |
Acetyl L-Carnitine - the fountain of youth in pill form
However, the anti-aging effect is not only focused on the skin, but also counteracts poor concentration up to Alzheimer's disease and reduces physical and nervous damage that can be caused, for example, by permanent circulatory disorders. In addition, acetyl L-carnitine is also often used in the treatment of depression and even reduces dangerous side effects of diseases such as diabetes or ailments that can cause are triggered by the sciatic nerve.
Even if these properties already provide enough reasons to want to supplement the daily diet with ALC, the list goes on. Studies during which older rats were regularly supplied with the amino acid acetyl L-carnitine suddenly behaved like their younger counterparts. In this research project, this substance was attributed a clear rejuvenating and therefore life-prolonging effect due to its many positive properties. Even the body's engine, the heart, benefits from ALC, as it can prevent oxygen deficiency in the heart muscle and not only prevent but even reverse the degradation of phosphate carriers. As a component of the amino acid L-Carnitine naturally also has an effect Acetyl L-Carnitine positively affects the metabolism of the body and promotes the conversion of fat reserves into energy.
Turn back the clock with amino acids
Other research has shown that acetyl L-carnitine also helps tuberculosis patients who suffer from a mycobacteria infection as a side effect of the actual disease. Here, the valuable amino acid is said to play a major role in helping the Immune system stabilizes again and puts an end to the infection. Acetyl L-Carnitine the body usually absorbs through the Dairy products consumption and meat. But if you want to additionally counteract the decay of mind and body, you should ensure a sufficient and regular intake of ALC. In case of concerns about the intake, one may of course consult the family doctor or a nutritionist.
L-Carnosine is formed from the chemical combination of the amino acid L-histidine and the amino acid beta-alanine. This chemical compound is also called dipeptide. The dipeptide is found mainly in nerve cells in the brain and muscles, and in lower concentrations in other tissues of the human body. In childhood, the concentration in the body is significantly higher than in adulthood. The natural content can be increased by taking dietary supplements.
L-Carnosine in the human body
L-carnosine is available in natural form as a chemical compound the amino acid L-histidine and the amino acid beta-alanine found only in the tissues of vertebrates. Therefore, a deficiency is also to be expected with a vegetarian lifestyle. How the deficiency affects the health of the body for vegetarians, however, is not yet known in science. However, if the body is supplied with an L-carnosine food supplement, then many positive effects have already been observed.
The mode of action
L-carnosine occurs naturally in high concentration in the tissues of the muscles. There it can support the health of the muscles. Other positive properties include the antioxidant effect. It ensures that cell membranes are protected from free radicals. As a natural regulator in the human organism, it is also responsible for the regulation of the Copper and zinc concentration of the nerve cells.
This can prevent overstimulation of copper and zinc. Also an effect on the Brain is known. Especially for the areas in the brain, which are responsible for socialization, movements and language, an effect can be achieved by the additional administration. Therefore, the dipeptide also became known as a dietary supplement, which can be used for autism.
L-Carnosine as an anti-aging agent
L-carnosine is used above all a positive effect on the aging process is said. This is possible because the dipeptide affects the glycation in the organism. The glycation is held responsible for the rapid aging process. L-carnosine is able to decrease the level of glycation in the blood. This increases the life span of cells so that an anti-aging effect can be produced. In addition, the dipeptide also has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. By taking it, the skin becomes more elastic and the formation of wrinkles can be prevented.
A wide variety of amino acids have important functions in the human body. In this context, it is also important to Amino acid L-citrulline in the eye and perspective, because, after all, it is an amino acid that has the property of being non-proteinogenic amino acid in itself. This also leads, for example, to the fact that not only the human body can convert and transform this substance, but that, for example, a corresponding synthesis also occurs and takes place at the same time in plants and animals. L-citrulline is found in onions, garlic and also watermelon.
The retard function of L-citrulline
That L-citrulline has a special role in the human body is primarily due to the fact that this amino acid is responsible for the so-called retard function and proverbial responsible. This is the production of the indispensable messenger substance nitric oxide, without which the human body can not exist or even function.
Absorbed orally, L-citrulline enters the human body and is subsequently converted into so called arginine, which is produced in the liver and thus becomes a messenger substance.
The dwell time extender
If the talk is about the amino acid L-citrulline, so very often also the expression of the retention time extension is used. This is a physical reaction to the citrulline. Due to the time-delayed and time delayed conversion based on the retard function can be a retention time extender, which due to this mode of action and method keeps the arginine level in the human blood visibly increased and elevated over a longer period of time.
The L-citrulline belongs to the special amino acids. Due to its occurrence and properties, scientists are very specifically researching its mode of action, although that of the residence time extender has been known for a long time.
L-Cysteine is a highly sulfurous and proteinogenic amino acid that adult humans can be produced in the liver and is therefore non-essential. L-cysteine is found in nature mainly in proteins such as keratin. Foods such as pork, chicken, salmon and chicken eggs also have a very high proportion of L-cysteine. The amino acid is also used as a flour treatment agent and causes accelerated ripening of the flour.
The daily requirement of L-cysteine
The recommended daily dose in most cases is at approx. 0.5 to 1.5 g L-cysteine. The amino acid can be taken either through special food, or through nutrient supplements available on the market. Too high a dose can possibly lead to bladder and kidney stones, and the effect of insulin in the body can also be impaired. Important when taking L-cysteine is a simultaneous intake of vitamin C and vitamin B6.
The properties of L-cysteine
L-cysteine is mainly used for people who suffer from chronic diseases such as suffer from osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease or cancer. By taking it, the body can more quickly eliminate poisoning from the drugs. L-cysteine protects the liver, strengthens the health of the hair and actively contributes to the improvement of the immune system.
The effect of L-cysteine
L-cysteine has the following effects very positive effect on many processes in the human body. If you take cysteine, it is converted to glutathione. This is an antioxidant. It has an antioxidant effect and helps fight free radicals. Taking this amino acid makes the body much less susceptible to disease. The body can better eliminate harmful heavy metals in the cells through this useful amino acid and can thus be detoxified faster and better.
This amino acid is also very important for the development and maintenance of nerve cells. The connective tissue gets its strength from L-cysteine. If one introduces cysteine to the body intravenously, cysteine can help prevent kidney damage due to an acetaminophen overdose. It can also alleviate the symptoms of asthma, cystic fibrosis and acute lung injury syndrome. Furthermore, it has a preventive effect against colon cancer.
Cysteine occurrence
It is found in some foods. These include meat or vegetable products. In addition, there are very protein-rich foods, such as sausage, turkey, whey protein and yogurt. Broccoli, bone garlic and red peppers are also among the foods rich in cysts.
L-glutamic acid
L-glutamic acid is a vastly underestimated amino acid. Even though it is not essential, glutamic acid is an important protein supplier.
The market is bulging with quite useless dietary supplements, but not all of them deserve to be labeled as a senseless waste of money. For example, the substance "L-glutamic acid"A solid, white substance that is an important building block in the entire cell metabolism system of the body. It is found in proteins and is also present to a greater or lesser extent in every protein-containing diet. It is therefore, in principle, automatically taken by almost everyone, with the daily diet.
- Glutamic acid is a accelerating messenger substance and is present in high concentrations in muscle tissue.
- Glutamic acid is one of the three amino acids that make up glutathione, a extremely important radical scavenger, consists.
- Glutamate is responsible for the distribution of nitrogen (N) in the organism and thus has a responsible position in metabolism.
- Glutamic acid can detoxify ammonia as it forms glutamine. Glutamine is completely non-toxic.
In summary, it can form the following substances:
- Gaba
- Ornithine and subsequently arginine
- Glucose (dextrose) for energy production
- Glutathione
- Stimulates insulin secretion
History of L-glutamic acid
The substance was discovered in 1866 by the German chemist Karl Heinrich Leopold Ritthausen.
L-glutamic acid requirement
L-glutamic acid serves the human body as a protein building block and forms important amino acids.
As a result, and especially due to the positive effect on the central nervous system it is almost indispensable for the body, and represents a not insignificant component in the body. Even about vegetarians do not have to worry about sufficient presence in your body. Foods such as rice, or chicken eggs and nuts contain plenty of L-glutamic acid.
The substance is not absolutely necessary, but has a supporting effect in sports as well. Many competitive athletes, such as Strength and endurance athletes rely on it. A muscle building accelerating effect is suspected, but this is controversial. And if it occurs then only to a very limited extent. Rather noticeable, should be the positive effect on the immune system, which may improve the regeneration and general fitness, of course, within a certain framework.
Occurrence of glutamine in food
Beef, raw | 21,26 g | 3191 mg | 15,0 % |
Chicken breast fillet, raw | 23,09 g | 3458 mg | 15,0 % |
Salmon, raw | 20,42 g | 2830 mg | 13,9 % |
Chicken egg | 12,58 g | 1676 mg | 13,3 % |
Cow's milk, 3.7 % fat | 3,28 g | 687 mg | 20,9 % |
Walnuts | 15,23 g | 2816 mg | 18,5% |
Glutamic acid effect
Ultimately, everyone must decide for themselves whether they want to supply their body with L-glutamic acid in addition to normal food. A dosage slightly above the body's requirement is certainly not harmful. But whether one now draws a benefit from it, is quite individually different. Especially for athletes but, it is certainly a useful thing to offer some support to the highly stressed body.
Glutamate as a flavor enhancer
The difference between glutamate and glutamic acid is not great. Glutamate is the salt of glutamic acid, glutamine is the amine of glutamic acid.
They are essentially synonymous.
Sodium glutamate is very often used as a flavor enhancer. As a messenger substance in the brain, glutamate can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and then causes an acute surplus of neurotransmitters there. This can now lead to an excessive feeling of hunger and then eat more than is needed.
A strong or weak immune system can have many causes. One of them, for example, would be a good or bad immune system. L-glutathione Household. The substance contains sulfur and is based on three different amino acids. Clycine, cysteine as well as glutamic acid. It is considered to be effective immune booster. It can be called, without any doubt, one of the most important antioxidants (prevent the reaction with oxygen from the air). Due to its detoxifying effect, it plays a role in the fight against and prevention of many things. Reason enough to go into this in a little more detail.
L-glutathione requirement
It should be known that the human body's need for L-glutathione, is completely covered by a natural and balanced diet. Which makes at least for a healthy person no additional intake necessary. However, for persons who are basically immunodeficient, such as AIDS patients, a supportive intake may be useful after consultation with a doctor.
Effect of L-glutathione
A major point of contention in medicine, related to L-glutathione, is the question of sense or nonsense in cancer. Some argue with the detoxifying and antibacterial effect, which can counteract the spread of tumors. Others say the substance suppresses the effect of accompanying cancer drugs in the worst case. To go into this question further would be far too complex.
Rather, healthy people should be encouraged to take L-gluthation at a healthy level, because the positive effects on the immune system and cellular balance are fundamentally proven. Nevertheless, even in the case of additional supply of L-glutathione, you should by no means be tempted to disregard your normal diet. No dietary supplement can replace a healthy and balanced diet. They are to be understood only as preventive and properly used, effective support of the body.
L-Histidine as a semi-essential amino acid, belongs to the basic and aromatic organic compounds. This amino acid cannot be produced by the body itself and must therefore be taken in with food. A good food source for the amino acid are foods rich in protein such as beef, salmon, chicken eggs, walnuts or even cow's milk. In addition, there is also the possibility to supply the body with L-histidine via dietary supplements.
L-Histidine in the human body
The amino acid takes over in the human body A wide range of functions and is of great importance for humans, above all in times of recovery and also during growth. Its important functions include, for example, the production of the red blood pigment heme. This organic compound can also be held responsible for the formation of histamine and glutamate. As a building block of iron-containing molecules, the amino acid is involved in oxygen transport.
It is also needed for the production of red and white blood cells. If there is a deficiency of L-histidine, then rheumatoid arthritis can be the result in adults. In children, a deficiency can affect body growth and cause delays. Should the L-Histidine level on the other hand, can also have a negative effect on the human body. Schizophrenia, stress and anxiety can be the result.
The mode of action
Amino acids, as building blocks of the Proteins play an important role in the human organism. For this reason, L-histidine is also used specifically by medicine in the form of medicines and dietary supplements. L-histidine has a positive effect on wound healing, the healing of damaged tissue and the rebuilding of tissue.
It also has a positive effect on inflammatory processes. By taking it can be achieved that nerve cells are protected. Protection against radiation damage can also be built up by the body. In addition, heavy metals can be removed from the body more easily by taking it. Other positive effects on the human organism include the support of the body's immune defenses and allergic reactions are said to be alleviated by the supply of L-histidine.
The preparation L- isoleucine belongs to the genus of dietary supplements. It is an amino acid preparation, which is also found in various fruits and helps to increase the performance of competitive athletes.
What exactly is meant by L-isoleucine?
It is a proteinogenic essential amino acid. It is derived from the aspartic acid and belongs to the aspartate group. L- isoleucine has several stereoisomers, but they do not play a major role in the environment. Only isoleucine is physiologically significant, since it plays an essential role in the human field as a proteinogenic amino acid.
L-isoleucine is used for the Protein structure needed as a building block. For high-performance athletes, L-isoleucine can also be used as a Energy production of the muscle cells serve. During prolonged efforts or a high-protein diet, this can play a role. If the body has to fall back on its own reserves during a phase of hunger, L-isoleucine can also be important.
Who needs L-isoleucine?
The preparation is widely used as an ingredient of amino acid infusion solutions for parenteral Nutrition in human medicine. Patients who suffer from impaired digestion or eating behavior are given L-isoleucine. A diet containing L-isoleucine was developed for oral intake.
All necessary Nutrients can be found in this diet in a precisely defined chemical formula. In this diet, amino acids are the source of nitrogen. For the first time L-isoleucine was isolated from a desugared molasses by Felix Ehrlich in 1904. The compound gives energy to the muscles, helps regulate the metabolism and also supports the immune system.
L-isoleucine in food
Beef, raw | 21,26 g | 967 mg | 4,5 % |
Chicken breast fillet, raw | 23,09 g | 1219 mg | 5,3 % |
Salmon, raw | 20,42 g | 968 mg | 4,7 % |
Chicken egg | 12,58 g | 672 mg | 5,3 % |
Cow's milk, 3.7 % fat | 3,28 g | 198 mg | 6,0 % |
Walnuts | 15,23 g | 625 mg | 4,1 % |
Whole wheat flour | 13,70 g | 508 mg | 3,7 % |
Corn wholemeal flour | 6,93 g | 248 mg | 3,6 % |
Rice, unpeeled | 7,94 g | 336 mg | 4,2 % |
Peas, dried | 24,55 g | 1014 mg | 4,1 % |
How is the preparation taken?
The daily requirement for a healthy person is between 7 to 28mg of isoleucine per kilogram of body weight, depending on the effort of the method used. The agent occurs in the human organism mainly in a bound state. In the blood the concentration is around 7mg/L. per day up to 15mg of isoleucine is excreted in the urine. In the case of susceptibility of the immune system or increased physical stress, a stronger dose is recommended when taking leucine and valine at the same time.
Where else does isoleucine occur?
Isoleucine is a component of plant and animal protein. It is also found, among other things, in: Olives, avocados, nuts and papaya. It also has a level of around 4- 6 % in beef, salmon, chicken egg, cow's milk, wheat, rice, peas and chicken breast fillet. The values refer to 100 grams of each of the foods.
L-Leucine is an essential amino acid that is present in some foods and plays an important role especially for the muscles.
Properties of L-Leucine
This amino acid is essential for protein synthesis, i.e. for the build-up of protein in the muscle and liver, responsible. In order to be able to maintain a certain muscle mass, a sufficient supply of L-leucine is required. In addition to the production of muscle tissue, the amino acid protects the liver from any damage from the spirit and further also promotes the Fat burning. Since the body cannot produce L-leucine itself, it must be taken in with food or special preparations, such as supplements for muscle building. L-leucine is found in larger quantities in, among other things
- Beef
- Cow's milk
- Walnuts
- Salmon
- Chicken eggs
- Wholemeal flour
- Rice before.
Amino acid effect
L-leucine serves as an energy supplier for the body. This provision of energy reserves prevents a too strong decrease of Glucose so that the muscles and brain have access to sufficient glucose in an emergency. The amino acid stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas.
This leads not only to a regulation of the blood sugar level, but also to an accelerated absorption of amino acids through the muscle tissue. This significantly promotes muscle building and dhe release of the stress hormone cortisol is lowered.
The amino acid also promotes the healing of liver, joint and muscle tissue diseases. In children and adolescents, amino acids have a positive effect on the release of the growth hormone somatotropin and ultimately on the development of organs. In adults, on the other hand, this hormone regulates the proportion of muscle and fat by supporting the provision of free fatty acids.
As the starting building block of glutamic acid, L-leucine is involved in involved in numerous vital metabolic reactions. In case of additional intake, you should ensure sufficient fluid intake for better absorption in the intestine. Through this you can ensure a higher availability in the muscle cell.
L-Leucine requirement
The requirement for this amino acid is about 1.2 grams per day. Depending on the method used, the average daily requirement is about 15 mg per kilogram of body weight. In principle, the required daily amount can be covered by a balanced diet. Stark muscular stresses, such as in endurance or weight training, on the other hand, require additional intake in the form of supplements.
A deficiency of the vital amino acid, which is either due to insufficient Intake with food or due to an undersupply of the vitamin B6 is accompanied by fatigue and tiredness. An overdose can lead to a disturbed protein formation and decisively hinder an efficient muscle build-up. Typical consequences would be abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea.
The body can not L-lysine (Abbrev. Lys) produce, this means that lysine is an essential amino acid and must be supplied to the body in another form.
The body needs a balanced and healthy diet to get enough L-lysine.
The molecular formula of lysine is HO2CCH(NH2)(CH2)4NH2 and the corresponding codons are AAA and AAg.
This amino acid is predominantly found in animal proteins such as fish, milk, egg and meat protein. In cereal protein, however, the important protein building block is only present in very small quantities.
L-lysine requirement
A person needs about 1 to 1.5 grams of L-lysine per day. If the body does not get enough of this amino acid, this can lead to growth disorders and impaired immune functions. Nausea, reddened eyes, dizziness, poor concentration and fatigue can be signs of an L-lysine deficiency.
Vegetarians in particular often suffer from an L-lysine deficiency, as the important amino acid is missing in many cereal products or is only present in a very small form.
L-lysine deficit
In some cases, if one does not consume enough foods that contain L-lysine, a lysine deficiency can occur. There are numerous symptoms that can occur because many processes in the body rely on the availability of protein. The most common symptoms are anemia, weight loss, reduction in muscle mass, poor recovery from injuries, or fatigue. Changes in appetite as well as mood are due to the connection of lysine with hormone production.
L-lysine effect
The amino acid L-lysine is essential for growth. Likewise, L-lysine is very important for the body to produce hormones, enzymes and antibodies to fight very specific viral infections.
L-lysine is an essential and very important component of collagen. Collagen in turn is a fiber component which is found in hair, teeth, bones, blood vessels and tendons.
In addition, this essential amino acid supports calcium absorption from the intestine and also promotes calcium storage in the bones. That is why it is also very important that children consume enough.
However, the most important task is that this amino acid has an anti-depressant effect. Furthermore, this amino acid lowers the susceptibility to stress many times. In addition, it protects the veins and arteries from calcification and reduces the signs of aging in the entire protein framework of our body.
L-lysine for the treatment of herpes
As a medication, lysine is probably most commonly used for the treatment of herpes simplex labialis, or simply known as herpes. It usually works as a preventative measure, but can also shorten the time of herpes that has already occurred. Medical experts believe that this is due to the blocking of arginine by lysine. Arginine is a substance that makes it easier for the herpes virus to reproduce.
L-lysine for osteoporosis
Since lysine has the ability to act on calcium levels, this amino acid has great potential to serve as a treatment for osteoporosis. In osteoporosis, the amount of minerals and proteins in the bones decreases, making them very brittle. For the most part, this is a theory and studies would have to confirm this.
Lysine food sources
Chicken | 8,11% |
Beef | 8,31% |
Parmesan cheese | 7,75% |
Milk | 7,48% |
Eggs | 7,27% |
Side effects
When taking very high doses, one should be careful, as these have been linked to kidney problems or gallstones. Anyone who already has these problems should not necessarily reach for lysine.
L-Methionine is a proteinogenic, essential and sulfur-containing amino acid. The human body cannot produce this important amino acid itself and for this reason is dependent on an additional intake through special foods. L-methionine is generally found in the proteins of all known living organisms and is the only sulfur-containing and proteinogenic amino acid besides cysteine. The amino acid is only broken down by the human body when there is an excess of L-methionine. The sulfur it contains is oxidized to sulfuric acid during degradation and subsequently excreted via the kidneys.
The daily requirement of L-methionine
The need for this amino acid depends, of course, strongly on the individual situation, as a rule, the human body needs a daily amount of 13 to 16 mg L-methionine per kilogram of body weight. For a normal adult, the sufficient requirement is about 21 mg L-methionine per kilogram of body weight.
The properties of L-methionine
L-methionine plays a very important role in many different processes in the human body. The contained sulfur is essential for the construction of any kind of material tissue and is needed by the body on a regular basis. Hair and nails also need the sulfur to grow. L-methionine is contained in particularly large quantities in fish, egg, corn and liver.
The effect of L-methionine
This essential amino acid is particularly active in the brain and liver. The amino acid is used for numerous diseases such as various allergies, arthritis, depression, urinary tract infections and detoxification. L-methionine stimulates the production of estrogen and also has a positive effect on fatty liver. A deficiency of L-methionine may lead to the formation of edema and make those affected more susceptible to infections.
L-ornithine is a non-proteinogenic and basic amino acid, it occurs mainly in the urea cycle in the role of a carrier substance. Furthermore, it belongs to the non-essential amino acids, which means that in this case our body produces it independently with the help of the amino acid L-arginine. The amino acid was produced for the first time in 1877 from chicken excrement.
The properties of L-ornithine
L-ornithine is closely related to the well-known amino acid arginine and is formed when urea is split off from arginine. Both amino acids are actively involved in the activation of growth hormone, which mobilizes fat in the body and burns it to pure energy. L-ornithine stimulates the release of insulin and promotes the anabolic effect of insulin. The amino acid can be produced by the human body or absorbed through additional food.
Melting point | 140 °C |
Solubility in water | Soluble |
The daily requirement of L-ornithine
Of course, the need depends very much on the individual situation of people, competitive athletes usually have a higher need for L-ornithine than other people. Although the amino acid can be produced by the body, the amount is not sufficient for daily needs.
For this reason, L-ornithine should be taken daily via special dietary supplements in an amount of 1400 mg. In the trade, various preparations with the L-ornithine are offered, for the income capsules are best suited.
The effect of L-ornithine
In the human body, the amino acid proves its great usefulness in many areas. On the one hand, the amino acid can significantly lower the ammonia level and on the other hand, it helps to get rid of too much nitrogen. The immune system also benefits from the amino acid L-ornithine, this can possibly stimulate the production of white blood cells.
Due to the L-ornithine, the hormones norepinephrine, prolactin, glucagon, insulin and other various growth hormones are produced and released faster. Through these hormones, the body becomes more resistant to diseases, infections and can heal wounds faster and better. Furthermore, the L-ornithine also has some properties that can reduce the risk of cancer.
Advantages of L-ornithine
- Increase muscle strength
- Faster regeneration
- Increased fat loss
At L-Phenylalanine is an amino acid, which is said to have a lot of effects. There are three forms of phenylalanine: D-phenylalanine, L-phenylalanine and a mixture that is prepared in the laboratory called DL-phenylalanine. If one speaks of phenylalanine without addition, one usually speaks of L-phenylalanine. It is the phenylalanine that is found in a protein.Mainly one deals with.
In the human body, this then decomposes first to dopamine and then to adrenaline and noradrenaline. Thus, the person is really stimulated, as is the case, for example, with amphetamines. L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, which people must take in sufficient quantities with the help of food. Protein-containing food is particularly suitable for this purpose.
History of phenylalanine
Phenyalanine was first heard of in 1879 when Schulze and Barbieri discovered a substance with the chemical formula C9H11NO2 in yellow lupine seedlings. In 1882, Erlenmeyer, a German chemist, and Lipp synthesized phenylalanine from phenylacetaldehydes, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia.
The genetic codon of phenylalanine was first discovered in 1961 by the German biochemist J. Heinricht Matthaei together with the American biochemist Marshall W. Nirenberg. This discovery helped establish a coding relationship that linked information in genomic nucleic acids to overexpression in a living cell.
Properties of L-phenylalanine
The property of L-phenylalanine is that it is able, for example, to alleviate bouts of depression and may be helpful in controlling addictive behavior. In addition, an increase in mental alertness takes place. But that's not all, because it is also said to promote sexual arousal. In addition, the feeling of hunger is reduced and also the appetite is curbed.
Effect of L-phenylalanine
The effect of this particular amino acid is shown by the fact that it improves the chemistry of the human brain, which means that it can really make you wide awake. In addition, the mood of the person who takes it increases, and thus provides an optimistic mood. At the same time, however, creativity is also awakened. L-phenylalanine is recommended as a dietary supplement if you suffer from chronic depression and also in case of acute, chronic stress.
However, L-phenylalanine is also used in cases of a general lack of amino acids due to diseases. Even in autism and Parkinson's disease, its intake is often recommended. In addition, it can also help with osteoarthritis and a skin disease called vitiligo. However, it is generally always advisable to ask your family doctor in advance whether it is ideal for you to take L-phenylalanine in the form of a dietary supplement.
What is Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency?
Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency is a treatable condition in which the body cannot properly process the amino acid phenylalanine. This occurs due to a deficiency of the enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase. Should severe forms of this deficiency occur, it can also have a toxic effect on the brain and irreparable damage can occur. However, if this disease is treated early and constantly, those who suffer from phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency can lead a completely normal life.
Side effects
Pregnant women in particular should be careful when taking phenylalanine. If the phenylalanine content is too high, the probability of a miscarriage can be increased. For pregnant women, it is sufficient to take phenylalanine through the normal diet.
People who suffer from certain hereditary diseases such as PKU (phenylketonuria) should also be careful when taking phenylalanine. This is a disease that causes the body to build up too much phenylalanine. As a result, there may be other consequences, such as high blood pressure.
The amino acid L-proline represents a special feature for the human body. It is a protein-forming amino acid, which is the only one to offer a so-called second amino group and which at the same time represents a non-essential, genetically neutral version of the amino acids. However, it is very important for the human body.
Bone and connective tissue is formed by L-proline
However, this amino acid is extremely important in the human body. From it, for example, so-called collagen can be created and produced, which can then be used in the body for the formation of bones or so-called connective tissue. But this circumstance alone is by no means sufficient in the mention. The amino acid L-proline is at the same time responsible for the fact that, for example, a buffer against ions is present, which could, for example, impair or even negatively influence the enzyme activities in the cytoplasm in their action.
L-proline ensures healthy growth
Scientific results have shown and can prove that the amino acid L-proline above all also ensures healthy growth. If too much or too little of it is in the body, for example, the body's own production of collagen can be disturbed, which can influence bone production. For this reason in particular, the amino acid L-proline is increasingly demanded by the body at the age of growth in children and young people, in order to be able to ensure the perfect supply.
L Proline is considered particularly important in the field of human growth. For the production of bones, the body's own collagen is needed, which can be produced accordingly from this substance and thus enables healthy development.
Amino acids are considered a component of life and extremely important. This is undoubtedly true, although different amino acids are responsible for different tasks in the human body and therefore deserve special attention. The so-called L-threonine, for example, is extremely important for physical well-being and health, which is why the proportion of L-threonine amino acids in the body should be consistently high.
What L-threonine can do
This amino acid is simply put and said responsible for giving the human body more energy during emerging and existing stress. But in addition to this effect, this particular amino acid can also control the human body in other ways. L-threonine, for example, is extremely important for healthy mucous membranes as well as for a healthy and strong immune system, which is based on these amino acids at the same time. Conversely, this also means that the symptom of fatigue or exhaustion can be a sign that this amino acid is not sufficiently produced and present and thus a deficiency is present in the human body.
The power in the body
All these positive properties of this amino acid can also be demonstrated by various processes in the human body. The plus in energy and performance during heavy exertion, for example, is achieved and achieved by the fact that the building block L-threonine is the key substance for the dilatation of blood vessels. The resulting improved blood circulation is crucial for the plus in physical performance, but at the same time the brain is also better supplied with blood, which is why the ability to concentrate is increased at the same time. The health effect is also due to the formation of enzymes and hormones.
The amino acid L-threonine is very important for the human body. A better immune system and at the same time an increased performance can be achieved. This important building block of amino acids is mainly found in dairy products, but also in eggs and meat, which is why the diet for the targeted supply of this amino acid can be used quite appropriately.
L-tryptophan is a proteinogenic ?-amino acid, which has an aromatic indole ring system and thus belongs to the aromatic amino acids. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, cannot be produced by the body and must therefore be obtained by the food can be additionally absorbed. L-tryptophan is an important component of proteins and peptides and is found mainly in pork, chicken meat, wheat and chicken egg.
Properties of L-tryptophan
The amino acid is aromatic and lipophilic, for this reason it dissolves very poorly in water. The isoelectric point of L-tryptophan is 5.8, the pKNH2 is 9.3 and the pKCOOH is 2.4. Tryptophan fluoresces under the irradiation of ultraviolet light. Various plants and microorganisms can produce the amino acid from anthranilic acid or shikimic acid. In industry, L-tryptophan is biosynthesized from indole and L-serine.
The effect of L-tryptophan
L-tryptophan has a very mood-lifting, weight-reducing and calming effect. In the human body, this amino acid is converted into serotonin and leads to increased serotonin levels. This reliably relieves depression and improves mood. L-tryptophan helps the organism with protein synthesis and has a pain-relieving effect. Side effects may also occur in some cases and are usually manifested by increased daytime sleepiness and by headaches or dizziness.
The need for L-tryptophan can be met daily with a dose of about 0.5 g. L-tryptophan is present in numerous natural foods contained in small proportions, particularly suitable for the need are sunflower seeds, oatmeal, radish, spinach and tuna. Competitive athletes usually have a higher requirement than normal people. A dosage of more than 3 grams per day should be avoided in any case. Too high a dosage of L-tryptophan can possibly lead to a change in the blood count and muscle pain.
L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid for the body, so it can produce the required substance itself. For this process, however, the essential amino acid phenylalanine, which is ingested through food, is of enormous importance, because if there is a deficiency here, the human body can no longer produce the amino acid L-tyrosine itself but must be supported in the absorption, for example, by tablets.
L-tyrosine requirement
Of course, the body needs the amino acid L-tyrosine at all times, but the additional need for it is particularly present in stressful situations. Whether it is increased load at work, stress in general, psychological stress or physical exertion, such as strenuous sports, all these causes trigger increased demand for L-tyrosine in the body.
Properties of L-tyrosine
With the help of the amino acid L-tyrosine, numerous other important hormones and messenger substances are produced. These include, above all, thyroxine, dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline and triiodothyronine.
Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are the important thyroid hormones, regulate important metabolic processes and well-being.
In the human body, the happiness hormone dopamine is primarily responsible for blood flow to the organs and for part of the kidney function. The two stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline control the body's entire energy supply and are released particularly strongly in stressful situations.
Effect of L-tyrosine
Additionally supplied L-tyrosine measurably increase the production of the above messenger substances and hormones. This increases the zest for life, ability to concentrate, creativity and enthusiasm many times over. This property also makes L-tyrosine a popular supplement in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, the amino acid is important for a good sleep, a moderate appetite and has a positive effect on some heart diseases, migraine headaches and chronic muscle tension. The additional intake of L-tyrosine can therefore increase the quality of life considerably..,
There are many components that the human body can not produce itself. These include the amino acid, these serve the Building and strengthening nerve pathways and muscles and support energy production especially during high physical exertion during sports activities.
Who needs L-valine?
L-valine decreases the feeling of stress and promotes the development of the ovaries and mammary glands in girls. It also plays a role in the field of metabolism and regulates possible mood swings. Furthermore, it is used in degeneration of muscle cells, hypersensitivity reaction and movement disorders.
Valine belongs to the essential amino acid and is important for human body growth. Sufficient dosage prevents nervous and digestive disorders. The problem is that sports require more energy than the body absorbs with food.
This problem can be counteracted with valine. Even injuries and diseases can be reduced in their healing to be supported by valine. The body always needs more food when it breaks down larger amounts of protein. However, since not all foods either L-valine contain, or at least not in sufficient quantity, L-valine dietary supplementation can be useful.
What are the properties of L-valine?
L-valine is an amino acid, which is preserved in its substance by hydrolysis of proteins. More precisely, valine is a form of spread chain amino acid. It is also not processed by the liver. Adequate valine intake as part of the amino acid combination of phenylalanine-valine and methionine tryptophan can be particularly useful in muscle disorders.
What effect does L-valine have on the human body?
L-valine is actively absorbed through the muscles. It influences the brain uplift of other neurotransmitter precursors such as phenylalanine and tryosines. Also and especially in phases of wound healing or recovery phases, valine is a very helpful and effective tool. A lack of amino acid, which are contained in L-valine can even promote certain diseases. Valine with its amino acid supports the formation of the body's own tissue, furthermore provides the body with valuable protein and essentially promotes resistance to infections and stress. The essential amino acids in Valine help people in recovery phases as a supplement.
How is L-valine taken and in which products is it contained?
Athletes reach an increased need through their activities, so 3x 3 capsules per day with plenty of liquid and always together with isoleucine is recommended. Among other things, valine is found in legumes, pistachio, peaches, poultry and milk.