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Mass building - a few tips for lasting success
Basically, it should be noted that in a mass-building phase, the supply of nutrients and energy must be ensured. The diet therefore plays an extremely important role in parallel with the training plan. It is important that an energy surplus takes place. This should be at least 500 Kcal above the normal requirement, because the nutrients are the building material for the formation of muscle mass.
The regularity of food intake also plays a role in mass building. About every two hours should therefore be a meal on the daily schedule. This should also be rich in carbohydrates. Especially popular are therefore pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals and of course appropriate fruit.
Muscle mass is very important not only for bodybuilders
Especially for a bodybuilder, muscle mass is crucial. But not only the mass is crucial for such an athlete, but of course also the definition, the muscle shape as well as the symmetry of the muscles. The basic formula for successful mass building is therefore: a correct nutrition strategy, a really intense hardcore training and a perfect supplementation.
To avoid time and also hassle as well as displeasure, a few tricks and tips should be followed to positively influence mass building. Besides the personal commitment and the will to achieve the goal, some external and also internal influences are decisively involved.
Important tips for a perfect mass buildup
First of all, a special training plan should be established in conjunction with a diet plan. During the exercises, care should be taken to emphasize the so-called negative parts. Muscle growth can occur through muscle contractions. It is important here that a great emphasis is placed on the concentric part than on the one in which the muscle is relaxed and shortens.
During the negative phase, the muscle is stretched. Here, the muscle is lengthened again under the tension. This has a direct effect on muscle hypertrophy. If you now consciously put the emphasis on the negative part, the muscles are overloaded, so to speak, and promotes muscle growth.
How to support mass building in the diet?
During the training phase, the diet should be based on Fish be set. Particularly fatty fish varieties such as salmon are enriched with many omega-3 fatty acids. These are important for increasing insulin sensitivity. If this is improved, there is a better storage of glycogen and the Amino acids in the cells of the muscle. At the same time, however, the glutamine store is spared.
When building mass, it is also important to ensure that sufficient sodium is supplied to the body. It is an essential mineral and without this growth of the muscles is not possible. However, it is important to pay attention to the correct dosage, because sodium has the disadvantage that it promotes water retention. This is a no-go especially for a bodybuilder. On the other hand, sodium improves the storage of glycogen, ensures a better absorption of amino acids and increases the sensitivity of insulin directly in the muscles.
Refrain from endurance sports during the mass building process
The absolute death of mass building is endurance sports. This should generally be avoided, as it has a negative impact on mass building. The increase in strength would be hindered, as well as the regeneration. With endurance sports, moreover, the important glycogens are burned and also the branched-chain amino acids, the BCAAs.
The individual tricks for more mass building
The negative movements have already been reported. Now we are talking about the positive movements of each exercise. These should be performed explosively. Proportional to the muscle growth is the amount of energy that is released in the muscles.
Force is mass times acceleration.
Therefore, the speed should be increased in the second half of a movement sequence. The steady increase of the training weights is also important here. In this way, a continuous mass build-up can take place. When it comes to calorie intake, it is basically said that about 500 kcal more should be on the diet - this is also correct - but the increase in calorie intake always depends on the individual body and training.
Very well proven in the mass buildup, if a drastic increase takes place for three days. About 50 % more it should already be. Someone who takes in 3000 kcal daily should take in about 4500 kcal for these three days. Muscle growth is noticeably accelerated, and if you limit the increase to three days, fat gain is not expected.
Also pay attention to your rest phases when building mass
Also important for a mass build-up are the rest phases. Many bodybuilders know the phenomenon that at some point no more muscles are formed. This is because they are constantly in training and even train in the actual break phase. This can not work, because the muscles need time to regenerate.
It is particularly important that sufficient time is given to replenish the glycogen stores. Between the training phases should therefore be quiet a few days break. Only with a replenished glycogen store can the hormone levels such as cortisol and testosterone again be in an optimal range.
Supporting the mass build-up with supplements makes a lot of sense
It is already known that when building mass should be a regular diet. The menu should be designed so that about four to six meals are taken throughout the day. This continuous intake ensures that sufficient fats, proteins and carbohydrates are available.
Our Tip: If you want to take it up a notch, set up a nighttime snack. With a protein shake in the middle of the night, muscle growth can be promoted. Depending on the training, the muscles react differently. Repetitions of 15 or more are frowned upon in bodybuilding circles. For muscle growth, six to twelve repetitions are considered standard.
So-called powerlifters also perform only two to four repetitions with higher weights. This increases the strength and of course also increases the mass buildup.
Which supplements support mass gain?
The use of supplements should be based predominantly on BCAAcreatine and glutamine. The most important for the immune system is glutamine. During an effort during training or even during an overload during a diet, the immune system is stimulated and releases the glutamine. However, if the glutamine level is too low, this hinders muscle growth.
Creatine is important to achieve an increase in strength. At the same time, it also produces adenosine triphosphate, which is known as an energy carrier. With a Supplement Creatine can effectively increase the level in the muscles. Branched-chain amino acids, as BCAAs, are a pure source of energy. These are claimed by the body when the glycogen store is exhausted.
With a sufficient supply, the nitrogen balance is positively influenced and the catabolic state is prevented. This usually occurs when overtraining is present - for the mass buildup, this condition has negative effects.