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Use creatine monohydrate sensibly
Every person who does weight training probably knows and uses nutritional supplements. Probably the best known is creatine or alternatively written Creatine. Who should take it when and what dose is useful as well as where attention must be paid, can be read here with us.
Who asks himself the question, why it should be creatine, must consider: if muscles are to be built up or an endurance increase should exist, products should be taken, in which creatine was processed.
Athletes who were asked about this topic could only give positive information about the use of creatine. Even the International Society for Sports Nutrition confirms that creatine is an effective and legal means of improving performance.
What is the effect of creatine?
Creatine is primarily used for energy supply. It can be found first as free and unbound creatine and then as creatine phosphate. The human body actually has enough ATP, which has the same effect as creatine. But that is used up relatively quickly when doing competitive sports.
Who now takes a creatine-containing product in addition, can count on the fact that so can be trained more intensively. Anyone who much Meat and fish will receive creatine in a concentration of 2 to 7 grams. The need, if no sports are performed, is thus sufficiently covered.
However, if you train intensively, an additional intake can be quite useful. However, it depends on the correct dosage, because it is not the amount that matters here, but it should only be as much creatine as the body also consumes. Be sure to follow the recommended daily dose.
How should creatine be taken?
If the creatine should not become unusable, it should be supplied in a lukewarm, but not too hot liquid. Grape juice goes well with this, it is cheap to buy and also has the highest proportion of short-chain carbohydrates.
To ensure the most effective supply of creatine, the right timing of intake is important. Therefore, the additional dose should be taken immediately after a workout, so that the lost reserves can then be replenished quickly.
Anyone who has taken creatine and later felt unwell should change their intake to three times a day (split the amount taken by 3). It is then advisable to take another dose before training, afterwards and in the late evening.
Many questions apply to the topic of how to deal with creatine during a diet or whether it makes sense to take it at all. It should be said that it does not have a harmful effect during a diet, but because of the muscle building, sports should be done at the same time.
The people who do not want to do without creatine during a diet, but then do not have to be surprised if the scale goes down only slowly. Because due to the creatine, smaller amounts of water are stored. If creatine is dispensed with, weight loss occurs more quickly.
Studies prove the effectiveness of creatine
Creatine has been the most popular dietary supplement for years. This is mainly due to the fact that studies on the effectiveness have been positively pursued. Of course, there are also various rumors circulating about this and this causes uncertainty, especially among beginners. However, it should be said that even professionals regularly take creatine and it is also well known among recreational athletes.
What many do not even know that the human body has creatine. It is found in the liver, kidneys and also in the pancreas. Approximately 2 grams of it are produced per day. This creatine produced by the body itself is found in the skeletal muscles, brain, heart and nerves.
For numerous metabolic functions it is not possible without creatine, but the natural stores are simply not enough for competitive sports. Therefore, further creatine can and, above all, should be supplied via dietary supplements.
Different foods and their content of creatine
- Pork 4.5 gram
- Beef 4 gram
- Herring 7 gram
- Salmon 4 gram
- Tuna 3.6 gram
- Cod 2,7 gram
Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages with creatine, as with other dietary supplements. One of the biggest advantages is certainly that taking it can bring an increase in strength performance of around 5 to 15 percent. This allows for a harder workout and in turn leads to a faster Muscle growth.
Creatine is also able to store water in the muscles. This causes them to appear more powerful and voluminous. In addition, an intake leads to the fact that there is no early fatigue of the muscles.
The disadvantages of creatine water retention
Unfortunately, the aforementioned water deposits also have disadvantages, because the deposits can also occur on the face. This then looks bloated or even deformed to others. In addition, weight can be gained immensely, because each gram of creatine can store 50 milliliters of water. Creatine is therefore in normal quantities very good for the Muscle building, but can lead to weight gain.
What form should creatine be in?
All dietary supplements are offered in different forms. Be it as a capsule, powder, liquids or other mixtures. Here, the one who decides for the classic creatine monohydrate comes off best. The monohydrate capsules have the positive property that they - due to their gelatin shell - only release the additive in the intestine.
Creatine is like no other dietary supplement able to quickly increase the performance of athletes. The use is worthwhile in all sports, not only those that also require a lot of strength. However, as a beginner, for example in bodybuilding, no experiments should be made with it. In the early stages, it can even act like pure poison, because then the body is already demanded maximum performance and the tissue is not even behind many.
Under certain circumstances, this can quickly lead to a forced break, because tendon and joint inflammations are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that the connective tissue can adapt quite quickly, tendons and joints unfortunately not. So pay attention to the recommended daily dose and do not overdo the muscle building.
But otherwise, creatine can not do any harm. It is not only very popular with men, but also with women who want to increase their performance. Differences in quality are rarely observed, but there is something wrong with the prices, because many manufacturers sell the inherently cheap creatine at overpriced prices.
When buying creatine, rely on our site, because we offer you the creatine inexpensively and also advise you regarding the exact intake and the daily dose.
Creatine and its side effects
The dietary supplement can also be taken over a longer period of time without a guilty conscience. So far, no damage to kidneys or other organs has been detected. Also tests on the cardiovascular system gave no cause for concern.
However, it can cause bloating or even stomach pain if taken with water only on an empty stomach.
Creatine for muscle building
More and more athletes have been relying not only on healthy nutrition and sports for a long time, but also on some dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are optimal to bring the body into the right balance and thus the perfect match between sports, nutrition and Vitamin supply to obtain.
An important building block that the human body needs is creatine, which is also processed in our dietary supplements. What the creatine is and what you can use it for, we tell you now.
What is creatine actually?
Creatine is an important ingredient in the field of dietary supplements and is offered in the form of a white, tasteless powder. Actually, the creatine described here is an acid that the body itself possesses. It is found mainly in the muscle cells.
The human body produces the acid in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. The creatine is composed of the three Amino acids Arginine, Glycine and Methionine together.
Creatine - intended for muscle building?
More and more athletes promise themselves some performance-enhancing effects by taking creatine. However, we would like to emphasize at this point that so far no performance-enhancing effect could be proven. However, it can be assumed that creatine in combination with a strict training and a healthy diet has a really positive effect.
Basically, it is important not to prepare for the too high performance jumps, because the creatine is indeed an important component for athletes, but in addition to the intake must be considered that diet and also sports are important for muscle building.
So who benefits from the creatine dietary supplement?
Basically, everyone who is active in sports can benefit from the creatine dietary supplement. Accordingly, especially athletes and especially competitive athletes should use the dietary supplement. In our shop we offer creatine at a low price, but we pay a lot of attention to the high-quality raw materials in our product. So you take only the best products to yourself.
Is creatine part of doping?
Again and again athletes come to us and want to have exactly this question answered by us. Of course, we do not offer you any food or substances that count in any way to doping, so our creatine is not one of them and is not listed on any doping list.
When buying, be sure to pay attention to the high-quality composition of the product and make sure that you take it properly, then you too can be left with a guilty conscience.
The intake - how to take our product correctly
If you decide to take creatine, then it is important to supply this with sufficient liquid. Only then the creatine is sufficiently flushed in the stomach and can flow into all necessary muscles.
Creatine is no longer only available as powder, but also appears in other forms, for example as a liquid, bar or chewable tablet. However, athletes often report that these products do not develop the full effect. For this reason, we focus primarily on creatine powder.
Creatine should not be taken before training, but after training. An optimal intake is to take the creatine throughout the day. This can also be taken naturally through some foods, such as fish. You can also take creatine in the form of a powder. Especially if you do a lot of sports, this is inevitable.
Creatine and its effects
Our body needs energy incessantly so that it can carry out the most important functions. This required energy is stored in the muscle cells and released again at the required time. Now, the energy supply is not available forever and especially athletes must ensure that the supply arrives soon.
To maintain this energy, the body turns to creatine phosphate, which is produced in the liver from creatine and phosphate. It ensures in the muscles that ADP is converted back into ATP. Thus, the body receives sufficient energy and strength.
In a normal daily routine, the body has enough creatine. However, if hard work is done or a lot of sport is played, the body may not be able to produce enough creatine of its own. And it is exactly at this moment that you should supply creatine through dietary supplements.
How to properly dose creatine
The dosage always depends a little on the supplier who produces the creatine. Basically, however, you can adjust to the fact that you use an increased dose at the beginning of the intake. Thus, you fill up the memory of your own body. However, you should not exceed the magic 5 grams per day mark in any case.
After the replenishment phase, we recommend that you only take about 10 percent of the original amount. After about four weeks you should start to discontinue the creatine again, because a permanent use is not good for the body.
Are there any side effects with creatine?
Yes, there may be side effects that you should be aware of. However, we would like to emphasize at this point that these side effects do not necessarily occur if you do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.
Basically, the following side effects may occur:
- Bad breath,
- Flatulence,
- Diarrhea,
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Muscle cramps
- Water retention
Especially in the first period, these symptoms may well take hold. If you suffer from severe side effects, it is important to consult a doctor. Harmful long-term effects are not known through the use of creatine.
Creatine buy cheap in our online shop
We offer creatine in different forms and can assure you before you buy that it is a high-quality product. Unfortunately, you hear again and again from manufacturers who mix the creatine with other substances. With us, however, you get a flawless and especially high-quality product, which you can take without further thought.
We would be happy to advise you again in detail about our product selection and help you find the right creatine product for you. Simply contact us as a competent partner and we will help you.