Fenugreek - the effect as well as the application
Fenugreek is the English name for Fenugreek. Fenugreek gets its name from the "horned" shape of its seeds. It is a plant that is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region. Not only does the clover grow wild there, but it has been cultivated since ancient times and has been used as a spice as well as a remedy ever since. Fenugreek has also become known and popular in Central Europe due to its health benefits. The incredibly wide range of effects of Fenugreek makes many users skeptical at first, but experience confirms the effect.

The seeds of the Fenugreek produce mucilage, which is present at a level of 30 %. Furthermore, the fenugreek seeds contain ascorbic acid and vitamin C, which act as a Antioxidant respectively immune booster unfold their effect. The calcium contained binds the fatty acids in the intestine and at the same time regulates the metabolism and ensures a healthy bone building block.
The ingredients in Fenugreek (Fenugreek)
Iron is said to have a hematopoietic effect and has a special importance in the oxygen supply in the organism. For the promotion of healthy skin as well as the regulation of nerve conduction and also important for the metabolism of the Amino acids is the vitamin B6. Also indispensable for the functions of nerves and muscles, as well as for fat metabolism, the magnesium contained is a blessing.
Proteins, also found in Fenugreek, are known to be broken down and synthesized into amino acids during digestion. As an incredibly important free radical scavenger, as well as good for cell protection and vision, the Vitamin A. Also Vitamin D (calciferol) is formed in the body itself, but is also contained in fenugreek.
An additional dosage can support the immune system and ensure a high bone stability. Coenzyme B 12 serves for blood formation, nerve functions and cell protection.
Other ingredients of the fenugreek
Also found in Fenugreek are steroid saponins, which are a plant hormone. This is often found in the yams. Fenugreek also contains bitter substances, such as trigofoenosides. These are responsible for stimulating the formation of bile acid and gastric acid respectively, thus increasing appetite. The digestion process is also much more effective and faster. The bile acid thus released can bind cholesterol. The essential oils have an antibacterial and disinfectant effect.
They give the Fenugreek a particularly aromatic taste and scent. The oils can be used for inflammations and can possibly relieve the discomfort in the area of the throat mucosa, the pharyngeal mucosa as well as the oral mucosa. It thus has a positive effect and can be administered as an infusion or also as a drink as well as a rinse.
The different applications of Fenugreek
The most popular applications of fenugreek refer to the phenomenon of profuse sweating. If 12 tablespoons of the seeds are put in a liter of cold water and soaked for several hours, a decoction is formed. This is boiled briefly and used for ablutions and baths. Those who suffer from loss of appetite can take advantage of the essential oils, the bitter substances and aromas contained.
For eating disorders and loss of appetite, a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds is soaked in water and taken before each meal. On the other hand, Fenugreek can also act as an appetite suppressant. If you have a particularly large appetite, taking Fenugreek can help you lose weight. For this purpose, a liquid extract of fenugreek is necessary, which is mixed in 100 ml of juice or water. This mixture is drunk on an empty stomach and there is a particularly lasting feeling of satiety.
Especially the reach for a sweet snack in between is completely eliminated with the healthy Fenugreek.
Fenugreek can increase the formation of testosterone
For the men's world, Fenugreek shows up with a special property that concerns potency. The extract can boost the body's own production of testosterone. Therefore, Fenugreek is also incredibly appreciated in the sports scene. Those who have more testosterone available can also build much more muscle mass and there is improved fat burning. The seeds of fenugreek have not had any negative effects or undesirable side effects to date. It is even suitable for diabetics to regulate blood sugar levels.
The amino acid 4-hydroxy isoleucine is contained in Fenugreek and can reduce the blood sugar level after just a few weeks by about 50 %. However, the insulin balance is not affected. Parallel to it the blood fat values normalize. Diabetics or diabetics in the preliminary stage should, however, consult their doctor before a therapy with fenugreek.
If this gives the okay, a drink can be made from 500 mg of powdered Fenugreek seeds with 150 ml of cold water. This decoction should swell for about two to three hours, then strain and drink about three to five cups throughout the day.
The popular effect of Fenugreek in the sports scene
There are a number of supplements that contain highly concentrated fenugreek extracts. These are enriched with steroid saponins as well as the 4-hydroxy isoleucine. At the same time, there is an optimization of regulatory substances such as selenium, zinc and vitamin A. This leads to a normal level of testosterone. Fenugreek as a food supplement in the sports sector shows its effect especially in people who have an unbalanced testosterone level. This can be caused by too much stress due to overtraining or also by a wrong diet.
Of course, in this case the diet should be changed fundamentally, because often the important proteins and carbohydrates are missing in the supplements. Additional supplements such as creatine and free amino acids should possibly be taken additionally, whereby a balanced diet should always form the basis for an effective workout and cannot be replaced by supplements.
More useful information about the Fenugreek
With a balanced and sufficient intake of amino acids and protein in combination with Fenugreek, an effective Muscle building be done. When selecting proteins, attention should be paid to fast and slow proteins. The fast proteins are consumed directly after getting up or before and after training. The slow proteins work during the day and especially at night, here the regeneration phase is best supported. With highly functional extracts from Fenugreek can be a special combination, which can be individually composed for each athlete.
The extracts also contain a vast amount of steroid saponins, the diosgenin. However, these only become available when the fermentative activity is completed in the intestinal flora. For this reason, there are supplements that already provide a pre-fermented version. Thus, Fenugreek works even if a poor intestinal flora should be present.
Fenugreek has a special influence on the insulin balance. Insulin is a building hormone and is important in muscle building as well as fat loss. With Fenugreek, these desired properties can be wonderfully supported.
Overall, fenugreek is a great and very natural support to the classic nutritional supplements.
This is what you should know about fenugreek (Fenugreek) know
Sport is certainly also for you an important component that you do not want to miss. But sport does not always mean only positive experiences, because those who actively practice sports will certainly notice that the body is much more Vitaminsminerals and other important components than perhaps a person who does not exercise.
So that you also get the necessary minerals, we have put together a large collection of dietary supplements in our online shop. Thus, you as an athlete also have the full protection and take with our dietary supplements enough fenugreek.
Of course, our dietary supplements do not replace a healthy diet, which is why we would like to remind you to follow a healthy diet in addition to sports. A good basis is the substance Fenugreek. We would now like to explain in more detail what this substance is, before we introduce you to the products from our shop.
What is Fenugreek ...exactly?
Fenugreek is also known as fenugreek. It is a hardy plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region and also in Asia. The plant got its name mainly because of the funny looking seeds.
Fenugreek is known as a spice and remedy since ancient times. The Benedictine monks made the Fenugreek then also known in Central Europe. Whether the plant really has a health advantage, can not be said with complete certainty today, because every body reacts differently to the active ingredients. However, especially Asian athletes swear by the plant.
In Germany, the Fenugreek is still hardly known, but in the meantime, athletes and other groups of people have recognized the effects of the Fenugreek. In other parts of the world, the Fenugreek is not only used as a food supplement but also as a remedy.
The effects of the Fenugreek
Whether the Fenugreek has an effect is hardly provable until today, however, numerous sciences have already found out that the Fenugreek can have quite a positive influence on the human organism. Especially the ingredients, which are in the Fenugreek, are responsible for the positive effect.
We have also used Fenugreek in our supplements and offer them for sale in our online store.
The ingredients of the Fenugreek
The Fenugreek produces so-called mucilages.
In addition, the Fenugreek different ingredients, which we want to quickly point out here.
- Vitamin A: Vitamin A is integrated in many processes of the human body. It is especially good for cell protection.
- Calciferol: Calciferol, which is contained in fenugreek, is also known as vitamin D. Humans can partially form it themselves, but only if the skin gets enough sun. Especially in winter this is often not the case
- Vitamin D is especially important for the bones.
- Coenzyme B12 or cobalamin: It is meant for cell protection.
- Steroid saponins: We are talking in particular about diosgenin, which is a plant hormone. This component is said to have a regulating and calming, as well as stimulating effect.
In addition, there are also bitter substances, so-called trigofoenosides. These stimulate the formation of bile acid and thus also the appetite. In addition, the digestive process, according to various studies, runs much more efficiently.
Food supplements with Fenugreek
Our supplements are all made with high quality raw materials and have not only the important minerals and vitamins, but also a pleasant taste. The supplements that you see in our shop are made from different ingredients. So pick out the products that you need.
Whether the dietary supplements with Fenugreek have a positive effect on your muscle building or your organism, can not be said here in general terms. However, it is important that the daily dose is adhered to and that you do not take too much fenugreek.
The areas of application of the Fenugreek
Not all areas of application of the Fenugreek are yet known, but that you can support the human body during a heavy load is well known.
For this reason, just athletes are recommended to take the said supplements. If you are looking for the right nutritional supplements, then you have found the right mixtures with us.
We offer you in our assortment the Fenugreek dietary supplements. Take a look around at your leisure and if there are any questions, then contact our team, which will be happy to advise you in detail. Of course, we are also there for you with questions about the exact effect or the risks.
Did the Fenugreek or fenugreek side effects?
To date, no side effects are known in this area. Nevertheless, especially sick people and also pregnant women should not take the Fenugreek. Furthermore, you should definitely pay attention to the necessary intake instructions.
Our products are all safe and can be taken without further problems. So here you do not have to worry. We offer the product as a capsule or as a powder, according to your taste.
The advantages of dietary supplements
Dietary supplements have some advantages, which we would like to explain again quickly at this point. The supplements are very popular among athletes, because they are not only quick to take, but also contain all the important ingredients that the body needs for a sporting load.
Thus, the dietary supplements are a relief in many respects. Just look around in our online shop, you will also find a variety of other products.